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Pokemon Feonn Region!-[ACCEPTING//STARTED]


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The geodude lauged, -Not on me, seems like you are drugged kiddo- Said as kept digging, he found an everstone, and a Stick... nothing good again -You dont give me luck, anyway, you seem tired, rest a bit- said as looking again for items... was a huge hole what he digged already, and more sand kept coming from it...

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IC:"Woah! You found one! I've been looking for a razor fang forever!" Gligar exclaimed when sandshrew showed them the razor fang he so much desired. "Y-you think I could have it? Please?" Gligar hoped from the very bottom of his heart that this sandshrew would have enough generosity to part with the fang. Then Gligar realized he wasn't being friendly. "Oh! I'm sorry for being so rude! I'm Gligar! This is a charamander that likes to be called Blaze and a geodude. They're my friends! Nice to meet you!" Gligar said with a smile.

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Scyther suddenly got up and told Sandshrew "I need to confront them. I'll be right back!" Scyther said scooping up two berries and running off to the group. He also accidently grabbed the Razor Fang along with the berries. He reaches the fainted Charmander, Gligar, and Geodude and sees a glimmer in one of their bags.


"A Metal Coat!!" Scyther said excitedly.


"I've been looking for one of those!!" Scyther exclaimed.


Scyther saw the gligar and showed him the Razor Fang.


"I'll trade you this for you're Metal Coat!" Scyther asked.


OOC: I'm just wondering...my question of Scyther being able to evolve has not yet been answered. And if I can evolve, leave the trading part of his evolution out of it.

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Onix opens his eyes to find a Graveler there. "Watch were you are going!" Is says, shaking it's fist, and walking away. Sheesh, Onix thought, what is the matter with him? Onix continued to slither on. Suddenly, he falls... deeper.... and deeper... and deeper.....

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Blaze looks at Geodude and laughs. Then he looks at gligar. "hey... do u have any berries???" he asks weekly. he then looks back u at the sky, and sees another interesting cloud. it looked like a charmander, like him. but then it changed into a Moltres."Woah... that was cool..." he says dumbfoundedly. then it looked like it shot a giant fire blast at what looked like a shadow lugia (it was even a dark cloud!!!). "woah!!! guys u should watch the clouds, there trippy!!!" he then says.

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Ooc:ok please dont go into anything with the clouds being legendaries fighting, i dont want any legendaries in this RP...its ok for the clouds to lok wierd but please dont do anything stupid with them...


IC:"hey thats my-" sandshrew followed schyther "cant i trade it, it is mine!"

Sandshrew introduced himself to the other pokemon

"hey!" sandshrew suggested "are you trying to find the waterhole?we are too!want to come with us?we could travely together, just us 5!"

sandshrew saw something in the corner of his eye to his right, it looked like a-


"slash!" sandshrew ran to catch up with his older brother, but he dissapeared "slash?....where are you?....."

im always with you shrew, renember that... sandshlashes voice rang in his head....[/i]always...[/i]

"always...." sandshrew whispered to himself...."whoah?!"

"haha!" geodude grabbed sandshrew from behind, "got you know !"

"hey get off!" sandshrew raged, struggling,

"give me the items, yes the razor fang and metal coat!" geodude demanded,

"or?!" sandshrew wheezed, with geodudes hand around his neck,


"or the sandshrew get clobbered!" geodude threatened,

"oh really?" sandshrew taunted, "try it!"

"get off my little bro!" sandslash raged jumping at geodude from nowhere,

"slash!" sandshrew cried, but when he looked, sandslash wasnt there..

"what the?!" geodude questioned "what just happened?"

sandshrew shugged his shoulders, and leaped at geodude...


he used sasnd attack, throwing sand int o geodudes eyes, then he lept at geodude with tackle, no mega punch...


Ooc:sandshrews moves....mega punch, close combat, dig, steel claw,

geodudes moves seismic toss, close combat, rock smash, body slam..


Ic:geodude was hit, it didnt do much harm though..geodude fought back with seismic toss, throwing sandshrew farr back, sandsrew then used steel claw on geodude, it hit,

"gr!"geodude used rock smash, grabbing sandshrew and slamming him int othe floor,

"is that all you got?" sandshrew then used dig, going under the ground, then he lunged out of the ground and hit geodude, geodude hit sandshrew with body slam, slamming into him....

"oviously not!" geodude body slammed sandshrew again, then sandshrew started throwing loads of punches at geodude, close combat instead of sand attack...

"come on!!" sandshrew continued punching while geodude did the same, they kept fighting with close combat, tumbling and tossing on the ground, rolling and turning, while brawling with close combat..brutally attacking eachother..


"im fed up!...of you!......keep!......disturbing us!!!.." sandshrew raged, they kept fighting and fighting, a bloodthirsty battle...

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Gligar was really made now. "No way, i've been waiting waaay too long to find this fang and im not gonna let some chump steal it!" Gligar flew forward with all his might. "Here's a taste of my Steel Wing!" Gligar knocked the geodude backwards into the sand. Gligar's tail charged up and he started bashing his opponent with Iron Tail. "I..Will..Not.. Give..UP!!" Gligar said with each hit of his tail and he beat geodude into the sand.

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OOC: I'm assuming it's a yes.

IC: Scyther decides to get in on the action.


"I got you're back Sandshrew!" Scyther yelled as the Geodude to perform Rock Smash on Sandshrew.


Scyther blocked the blow with a wing attack and followed up with Pursuit. Geodude fell back ten feet. Scyther did something he hoped he wouldn't regret. He threw the Razor Fang at Gligar yelling "Trade!" and then grabbed the Metal Coat from the bag.


Instantly, Scyther started to evolve. He formed slowly into a Scizor right before his friends eyes. His claws started glowing and he realized he had learned a new move.


"Alright! Metal Claw!" Scizor cheered with a slightly deeper voice.


He nailed Geodude across the face with Metal Claw. Using his speed as cover, Scizor used Hyper Beam on Geodude. Energy glowing from Scizor's mouth kept building and building and building until it finally burst into a great beam of energy that knocked Geodude into the sky.


"Take that." Scizor gloated.


OOC: Scizor's new moves are Metal Claw, Hyber Beam, Protect, and Aerial Ace

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(OOC: I was gonna say yes anyways)


IC: Gligar stared up at Scizor for a second. He wondered: "Will that happen to me?" And smiled as pictured himself in red armour kind of like scizor's. "Now all I have to do is wait until nightfall, then this fang is supposed to do something". He looked around at all the others. "Well, aren't we supposed to be lookin' for this watering-hole thingy? The sooner we star moving, the faster we get there. Now let's go!" Gligar started to fly off in a different direction.

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Ooc:by the way geodude and sandshrew were knocking the sh_t out of eachother in the brawl...:P


IC:sandshrew stoof frowning, looking in the direcction geodude had dissapeared..grr...

"i like the new you schy- scizor..." sandsrhew admitted quietly, sitting on a rock...

He looked towards the sunset, the blazing sun glowing orangey/red on the horizon...

"shall i make a burrow for the night?how big shall i make it?" sandshrew asked "it gets freezing when night falls, in a little while..."

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Gligar quickly flew back to the group. "It's not long until the sun sets. Then this Razor fang will work and my power will increase!" He flew over to a tree and hung on to it from his tail. "I'm really excited! I wonder if the same thing that happened to Scizor will happen to me!" He pictured himself in the red armour scizor has and smiled. "Then I can find this waterhole thingy with everyone else. Gligar quickly scanned the desert to check for foes or new friends. "Then after all this, I can look for my brother."

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OOC:could i just say, there are NO trainers in the region, please dont mention any trainers...


IC:Sandshrew finished making the burrow then scrambled up to the surface and outside..

"the burrows finished, its big enough for all of us, if you want you can sleep in there..." sandshrew told them, he then got his bag, he grabbed the bottle from inside, he didnt know what it was..


sandshrew was turning the bottle around in his hands,

"does anyone know what this is, its got something inside it.." sandshrew asked, although he was sure none of the others knew what it was either..

"i think this thing on top opens, i wonder whats ins-" sandshrew was turniong the bottle in his hands when suddenly the lid fell off, because sandshrew had been turning it..


"ahh!" sandshrew stared at the liquid nside it, he poured a little into one of hishands and tasted it "eww!its water!!i hate water!"

Sandshrew put the lid on the bottle, he then turned it, hm...strange thing.. the lid then was secure on the bottle..


a few minuites later, the sun was nearly set,

"the moon's going to come out any minuite now..." sandshrew yawned "night everyone..."

sandshrew scrambled into the burrow and curled in a ball to sleeep....

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IC: Scizor climbed into Sandshrew's burrow taking the water and having a little sip.


"Night." Scizor said as he went into the burrow and made his own little chamber by digging a hollow spot in the burrow.


He looked at the water and wondered if it was water from the spring or somewhere else. After the voyage back to the water hole, he would see if the water was the same. It contained no dirt, so he could just look at it with a magnifying glass and see if there are any differences in the appearance.


OOC: Is the water just water or is it that special object that enhances Water-Type moves?

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(OOC: I'm just assuming the moon's up by now, and if so, the anticipated evolution has begun.)

IC:Gligar looked up from his tree. "Hey! It's the moon!" Gligar's body started to shine. The fang in his hand disappeared and he sarted getting bigger. First his ears, then wings and finally the rest of his body. The glow went away. In it's place was a much larger and darker coloured creature. The branch he was hanging from broke. "Ouch.." He said in a much deeper voice. "So this is what the elder meant by greater power. I'm a Gliscor!" He said like the happiest thing alive. He did a loop-de-loop and hung from a bigger ledge on a nearby cliff. "Now I can-zzz.." He was interuppted by the sound of his own snoring.

(OOC: New moves: Fire fang, mud bomb, Iron tail and crush claw)

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(OOC: this is my app, plz accept it)

username(plz dont ask why):twitchykid10

pokemon(MUST be FLYING, GROUND, FIRE or ROCK type!):Torchic

picture of your pokemon(sprite or normal picture):

moves(up to 4):Ember,Fury Attack,Slash,Quick Attack

Bio(what your pokemon does, try to find the waterhole or do they live by the waterhole? or how they grew up, that kind of thing..NOTHING to do with trainers):A family of two Blaziken parent's and a torchic lived happily in a mountain range until a rock slide caused by a Rhypherior crushed them to their doom. He has recently heard of this "watering hole" and has started trying to find it.

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