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>>RandoM F***inG ExplosioN!<<


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I do much better quality stuff with pen+paper, I'll try to scan it though or something later.

But for now, a rough example made in paint =D

Not as good as my others (if I say so myself) 'cos there's just not many 'things' whereas there's more 'shapes'.

Plus the real things are huuuuge, like cover a whole sheet of A4 =] [/align]

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not to be rude or anything but:


wow' date=' did i really just look at this?[b'] [1] if it says ranom i'll eventually look at it, the reason i clicked it.[/b] [2]AND YOU DIDN'T INCLUDE fsjals?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


[1] English please.

[2] *facepalm*

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Don't listen to him, Fsjals ae the worst disease ever to hit YCM, after noobs. Oh, and it seems rather messy and LQ, but for paint *there shoukd srsly be a thumbs up smiley*. Oh, and it's way better than what I could do on paint. Maybe on PS, but I doubt =P

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not to be rude or anything but:


wow' date=' did i really just look at this?[b'] [1] if it says ranom i'll eventually look at it, the reason i clicked it.[/b] [2]AND YOU DIDN'T INCLUDE fsjals?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


[1] English please.

[2] *facepalm*


wow, am i really being graded? like spelling matters on the comp!

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not to be rude or anything but:


wow' date=' did i really just look at this?[b'] [1] if it says ranom i'll eventually look at it, the reason i clicked it.[/b] [2]AND YOU DIDN'T INCLUDE fsjals?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


[1] English please.

[2] *facepalm*


wow, am i really being graded? like spelling matters on the comp!


It does. It makes you seem like an idiot if you don't use proper grammar.

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not to be rude or anything but:


wow' date=' did i really just look at this?[b'] [1] if it says ranom i'll eventually look at it, the reason i clicked it.[/b] [2]AND YOU DIDN'T INCLUDE fsjals?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


[1] English please.

[2] *facepalm*


wow, am i really being graded? like spelling matters on the comp!


It does. It makes you seem like an idiot if you don't use proper grammar.


i iz alweady a idote

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Don't listen to him' date=' Fsjals ae the worst disease ever to hit YCM, after noobs. Oh, and it seems rather messy and LQ, but for paint *there shoukd srsly be a thumbs up smiley*. Oh, and it's way better than what I could do on paint. Maybe on PS, but I doubt =P




I know it's kinda LQ and uneven, but I tried to replicate realistically what I would draw normally, so ragged edges and uneven lines xD


Most of these kinda drawings end up looking like a huge explosion, hence the name =]


If I had spent more time on it, maybe it would have been better, but I seriously can't be bothered on a laptop xP

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It's good, but trust me, draw that on comp, a little better lines, no shading and it will be great! :D


AND LAWL! 7pouyit (i usually never say this) But ur a freaking 5year old maniac, that doesn't have attention.


Ohh, and i forgot something... Congratulations, you just made your mom ashamed.

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It's good' date=' but trust me, draw that on comp, a little better lines, no shading and it will be great! :D


AND LAWL! 7pouyit (i usually never say this) But ur a freaking 5year old maniac, that doesn't have attention.


Ohh, and i forgot something... Congratulations, you just made your mom ashamed.



that was the best thing anyone has said to me all day, thank you

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You just spammed it again' date=' PLEASE stop spamming it, and this is to every1! LiAM be too awesum fwur spamz :(



Aha, thanks.


I don't like spammers, don't like people who spam IRL too.











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