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Naruto: Legend of the Kyubi Shards (chapter 116 added!)


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You and Cortez, releasing your chapters earlier and earlier <3

That'll be cool to see Jin vs Kai, never thought of that match-up, but still sounds exciting. Though Jin using genjutsu is a surprise, he seemed like he only had a Naruto/Sakura fighting style, but good to see he's set himself apart.

One question, you had Hikaru telling Ami something, was that supposed to be Hayate, or did Hikaru suddenly emerge on the scene? If it was the latter, there wasn't really a transition..

And Kyo using emerald powers is...unexpected actually.

I guess "Chaos Emeralds", but...we'll see how that works out.

Good to hear the next chapter's progressing well :3

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I...meant Hayate. Thanks for catching that.


Jin rarely uses genjutsu, but he will, in certain times.


And yes, Kyo uses emerald powers. What was your guess as to how he fought? Speed? xD



And next chapter might be finished soon, because it's transition, but it's...easy.

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You'll find out ;3



And it was never decided, officialy, but I mean, it makes sense.


He was the 3rd member to join, and he is the most intelligent, and capable (probably)




Also, you expected him to do more than MATCH A HOKAGE in combat? >_>

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