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The Legend of Zelda has invaded YGO.

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Double Post' date=' so sue me.


Elemental Mistriss -> Genex Remote turns Rose, Warrior of Revenge into a "Genex Controller" -> Synchro for this -> HAVE FUN.



lol you didn't double.


Also, a Light Machine deck (Genexswarm) sounds badass.


its got, almost every support known to man and alien.


Cyber freaking eltanin....

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lol' date=' re-use Honest over an over..

something i dont want to see that often.



I can see that being banned :D.


What would be banned? honest? never. You can't ban a card because somebody found a combo.


Eltanin? I thought the Genexes were DARKS?


Oh my, your right. lol


Well, than some weird twilight genexsworn hybrid perhaps.

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did someone just say you cant ban a card because of a combo?


the game is filled with banned cards whos primary broken factor as due to an abusable combo.


fuckin premature yo.


yata is bannable on its own, CED just makes it easier.


but I suppose your right. I'm still saying that triforce won't get honest banned.

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