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Yugioh 5ds WRGP - [Not Starting Yet - Still Accepting]


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Name: Jon fair

Age: 18

Duel Runner: http://th05.deviantart.net/fs44/300W/f/2009/166/9/3/Duel_Runner_Prototype_by_DarkLordJadow.png(THIS BUT BLACK)

Duel Disk: http://i10.tinypic.com/4pv29vc.png

Appearance: Hight: 6'1, Weight: 150, Hair: black, Eye color: Blue, Clothes: wears a gray t shirt and wears a black jacket over it, black jeans, blue and black shoes.

Gender: Male

Normal Duel Deck(s):Gemini strike(Gemini deck, cards from warriors strike struture deck.)

Turbo Duel Deck(s): Gemini strike(TURBO) (same as deck above but with speed spells)

*Signer/ Dark Signer: not a signer.

*Signer/ Dark Signer Mark: not a signer.

Bio: When Jons father died, he gave him his deck and his duel runner, as a last request his father as him to take care of his mother and sister. Seven years have past sence then and the Fair family was runing low on money so jon decided to enter the WRGP to get money and take care of his family, like he had promised his dad. One when Jon came back from fixing up his duel runner, his mom and sister were missing only to find a note saying "If you want your mom and sister back, you must enter and win the WRGP", Jon was more determined to win the WRGP.

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Name:Michico Kawazki


Duel Runner:



Duel Disk:





Normal Duel Deck(s):Darksworn(dark version of lightsworn,fiendsworn)

Turbo Duel Deck(s):turbo-darksworn(turbo version of darksworn)

Bio:Michico is a friendly girl.Almost nobody knows her.

She is very young.Even though she is friendly,she secretly fights for the dark if she gets a good chance.Her deck is a zombie deck,because she tributed her lightsworn for a dark and evil deck,called darksworn.

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Name: Nick Verano

Age: 14

[spoiler=Duel Runner]5obh34.jpg

(Without the guy on it :/ )



[spoiler=Duel Disk]fy0hsw.png


Appearance: Nick is African-American. He wears a black tee-shirt and khaki shorts. He is right handed, so he wears his duel disk on his left arm. He has short spikey black hair, and black eyes.

Gender: Male

Normal Duel Deck(s): DARK-monster deck

Turbo Duel Deck(s): DARK-monster deck (with speed spells)

Bio: Nick has loved Duel-monsters ever since he was a kid. He practiced, read up on all the strategy books, and became a child prodigy at the age of 11. Nick graduated from duel academy at 14 because he is a genius, and he decided to enter the WRGP tourney to test his dueling skills. Being 16, he just got his license to drive and so he can ride a duel-runner.

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