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Release The Bogus - Iguanas from Saturn

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Wow' date=' Crab Helmet does some title bafoonery and everyone does it.


Sheep need shepherds, I guess.



Isn't it sad?

This card is meh over here. It was better in Japan. I mean come on, The big SATURN. You know it;'s epic if its name has to be written in all English. That, and it's sad because Japan mistakes English for a language.

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Wow' date=' Crab Helmet does some title bafoonery and everyone does it.


Sheep need shepherds, I guess.



Kill joy. People aren't allowed to have a little bit of fun with other people's ideas?



I'm a fan of The Big Saturn.


I don't know how often I'd use the ATK increasing effect, but his second effect really makes an opponent think twice about Mirror/Torrential/ or any of the destruction effects that are so common these days.

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Wow' date=' Crab Helmet does some title bafoonery and everyone does it.


Sheep need shepherds, I guess.


Yes. Like when I made the first "This topic contains [X]", and everyone copy-pasta'D it.


It is known as forum memes, short-lived memes of title names, images, revival of other memes from outside sources, etc.

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Wow' date=' Crab Helmet does some title bafoonery and everyone does it.


Sheep need shepherds, I guess.


Yes. Like when I made the first "This topic contains [X]", and everyone copy-pasta'D it.


It is known as forum memes, short-lived memes of title names, images, revival of other memes from outside sources, etc.


Mostly because everyone gets tired of the same old "[card X]" subject name.

So at one point or another, we have to re-word it, to make it more interesting.

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Wow' date=' Crab Helmet does some title bafoonery and everyone does it.


Sheep need shepherds, I guess.


Yes. Like when I made the first "This topic contains [X]", and everyone copy-pasta'D it.


It is known as forum memes, short-lived memes of title names, images, revival of other memes from outside sources, etc.


Mostly because everyone gets tired of the same old "[card X]" subject name.

So at one point or another, we have to re-word it, to make it more interesting.


I understand getting tired of it, but seriously people; show some originality. At least work the name into a proper sentence or something.

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