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dfgk101 Vs Tommers2008 VOTING HAS STARTED

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[spoiler=Rules]1.All YCM rules apply

2.You can not get the cards OCG fixed before contest

3.You must give the prize with in a month or you will be negged

4.Have fun



[spoiler=Card Material]1.Must be a DARK attribute

2.Must be a Fiend Type

3.Must have "Vampire" in its name

4.Must be LvL 4 or lower

5.Must have 1900 ATK and DEF points or Lower



[spoiler=Reward]3 reps to winner



[spoiler=How to win]First 5 votes win



[spoiler=My Card]441946w.jpg

This card can not be Special Summoned by the effect of a Spell Card.When summoned select a monster on your opponents side of the field.That monster cannot attack for 3 turns.Each Standby Phase during those 3 turns increase this cards ATk by 100.On the End Phase of the 3 turns destroy the selected monster.On your next Draw Phase Special Summon the selected monster on to your field in face up ATK position.That monster is counted as a Fiend-Type.



[spoiler=Opponents Card]88810.jpgThis card gains 300 ATK and DEF for each Fiend-Type monster on the field. Once per turn, during your Main Phase 1 you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower non-Tuner Fiend-Type monster from your hand or Deck if you do so, you cannot enter your Battle Phase this turn. When this card is removed from the field except by battle, you can remove it from play to Special Summon 1 Level 5 Fiend-Type monster from your hand, Deck or Graveyard.



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