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Red is obviously the best gadget monster [Disc on Gadgets]

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@Rocket vs Stratos vs Gadgets --- Gearframe? Fetching an easy-Summon reviving 2.5K beater with notable effect is fun.



Theres actually quite a few cards that summon and add cards to your hand.


Maybe most of them are aweful' date=' but there still are some.


Genex Power Planner

Genex Undine

Senju of the Thousand Hands

Manju of the Thousand Hands

Sonic Bird

Real Genex Turbo

Real Genex Magna


... yeah.



I feel stupid now.



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iirc Overload Fusion/Chimeritechs/Gadjitron/massive amounts of Machine Support/Discard Fodder/Deck Thinning/Machina Fortress doesn't exist.




I'd rather have stronger machines like drillroid instead of these.


GTFO --->


whats that mean?


I mean, weak cards like gadgets get killed by stronger monsters, so id rather use stronger monsters.

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iirc Overload Fusion/Chimeritechs/Gadjitron/massive amounts of Machine Support/Discard Fodder/Deck Thinning/Machina Fortress doesn't exist.




I'd rather have stronger machines like drillroid instead of these.


GTFO --->


whats that mean?


I mean' date=' weak cards like gadgets get killed by stronger monsters, so id rather use stronger monsters.



ATK means almost nothing unless you're hitting for game. You wouldn't understand that because you're new to the game.

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I demand Drastic Drop off to be censored' date=' It shows death!



machine's can't live, that is an organic state of being, so therefore they can not die.


don't you listen to the tachcomas?


Ever heard of the theories of silicon based life?

If it turns out that silicon based life could exist, then technically they could life. Even if the silicon based life is just a single cell operating the machine, it is still technically alive.


On another note, Gadgets are great, one of the most generic unbanned +1 searchers in the game.

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I'll help explain my post a tad,


being weak in ATK gadgets will most likely be sent to the graveyard, Chimeritech is a series of Machine monsters that gain ATK depending on how many machines were used for their fusion summon, overload uses the Graveyard instead of the hand for fusions, since Gadgets will either be a.discarded for a cost or b. sent to the graveyard, they are prime targets for these.


Gadjitron is a type of Monster in the Ancient Gear family, and they get effects depending on which Gadget was tributed for their summon.


They keep your hand at a steady number, most monsters will make your hand smaller after their normal summon, Gadgets do not, as they refil the hand as they are summoned, thinning the deck at the same time, a common mistake is thinking "With a smaller deck I'll deck out faster!" not true, with a smaller deck you can get the cards you need faster.


I'm not gonna explain all the Machine support


Machina Fortress is a 2500ATK monster that can be Special Summoned by discarding monsters until a level of 8 or more is discarded, useing itself and a gadget means an instant Special Summon, and you still have a Normal Summon, plus when it's destroyed it takes somthing of your opponent down with it.

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All that needs to be said has been.


gadgets are all weak ;/


why would you use them?




huh? can you answer my question?


I mean' date=' they all have weak attack, so i dont get why people would play them, if they just get weak monsters.





Gadgets rule.

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