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Champions Island

The inventor

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kid walks more and more and more more more more more more more more

more more more more more more more more more more more more more more

took a zip of water then more more more took a nap then more more more then stops and sleeps.

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I activated it before you reduced my life poins. Pole postion The face-up monster(s) with the highest ATK on the field is unaffected by any Spell Cards. When "Pole Position" is removed from the field, destroy the face-up monster(s) with the highest ATK on the field That means that you ectoplasmer is negated.

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Its no a custom card it actually exist.

Here Pole Position








The face-up monster(s) with the highest ATK on the field is unaffected by any Spell Cards. When "Pole Position" is removed from the field, destroy the face-up monster(s) with the highest ATK on the field.

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