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My dog Infern counted to Infinity

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Yeah' date=' i know it isn't 1 card OTK, but how to pull it off, and how exactly it OTK's?



Summon Infernity Mirage. Activate its effect and summon Infernity Necromancer and Archfiend.


Use Archfiend's effect to search out Infernity Gun. Play Infernity Gun. Activate Necromancer's effect and summon Infernity Beetle.


SYNCHRO SUMMON into Mist Wurm/Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier and use their effect.


Activate Infernity Gun's 2nd effect and Special Summon Archfiend and Necromancer again.


Repeat this combo until you have used all your guns. Then, attack for game.

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Way back when (before the new Infernity cards), I designed some other Infernities that worked completely differently (read: did not OTK). I tested them a little and they worked reasonably well.


Anyway, the whole playstyle is a kind of reckless all-or-nothing delight, but also one where the cards fit together into a complex whole. The requisite of having no cards may end up meaning they don't work QUITE often enough...but who knows?

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Yeah' date=' i know it isn't 1 card OTK, but how to pull it off, and how exactly it OTK's?



Summon Infernity Mirage. Activate its effect and summon Infernity Necromancer and Archfiend.


Use Archfiend's effect to search out Infernity Gun. Play Infernity Gun. Activate Necromancer's effect and summon Infernity Beetle.


SYNCHRO SUMMON into Mist Wurm/Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier and use their effect.


Activate Infernity Gun's 2nd effect and Special Summon Archfiend and Necromancer again.


Repeat this combo until you have used all your guns. Then, attack for game.


I used a similar OTK in a fanfic, but it was with Revenger to pull out 3 Death Dragons and Hundred-Eyes Dragon. The Revenger variant can also work; it's just that the Beetle One gets rid of annoying cards that might hurt.


Infernities look like they could be hitting the Metagame hard.

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Infernities are actually usable now, as opposed to simply being a crappy fangirl deck we would see all the time when Kiryu was still screaming about how he wanted Yusei to satisfy him. Unfortunately, the heavy reliance on topdecking encourages more cheating makes the deck too luck based IMO. It's a step forward to be sure, but they should've tried to give the deck consistency with a good version of "Handless Fake" rather than turn it into an "OTK or fall flat on your face" deck that competitive frogs has likewise become, except you're FTKing instead of OTKing, therefore making them awesome.

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My dog can't count :(


Anyway' date=' Infernities are not really broken, cuz they've a pretty risky strategy.

If your opponent fucks it up, your stuck with no hand and no field.




Of course they're not broken; they're just powerful enough to OTK. And that's good enough for me.

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