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insector deck


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you may like my insect deck take a look whats in it




insect queen X1

jirai gumo X2

neo bug X2

flying kamakiri #2 X1

arsenal bug X2

metal armored bug X1

chainsaw insect X1

pinch hooper X1

leghul X2

howling insect X3

insect knight X1

great moth X1

nobleman-eater bug X1

4-starred lady bug of doom X1

man-eater bug X2

girochin kuwagata X1

perfectly ultimate great moth X1 strongest card in deck

petit moth X1

cocoon of evolution X1

grasschopper X2

swarm of locust X1

brain crusher X1


spell cards


mage power X1

forest X1

ake of despair X2

stim pack X2

tribute to the doomed X2

heavy strom X1

smashing ground X1

mystical space typhoon X1

lightning vortex X1


trap cards


magic cylinders X1

sakuestu armor X3

speel shield type-8 X1

compulsory evcuation device X3

converting fire X1

shadows spell X1

trap hole X1

dust tronado X1

malfunction X1

rising energy X1

waboku X2

call of the haunted X1

needle ceiling X1


hope you like my insect deck

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i'm am know having a vote send a message on which deck i should make type in the letter a b c d e for a anser lines closes 25 of december


a pyro deck


b alien deck


c water deck


d under wourld deck of darkness


e just stick with insect deck


i need your votes to upgrade my deck

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hmmm my pal had an insect deck for ages so basically have this for monsters


insect queen

insect peincess

saber beetle


doom dozer

man-eater bug x3

chainsaw insect

insect knight x3

ultimate insect...


so yhea then just add some more but this should see you through

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you may like my insect deck take a look whats in it




insect queen X1

neo bug X2

flying kamakiri #2 X1

arsenal bug X2

metal armored bug X1

chainsaw insect X1

pinch hooper X1

howling insect X3

insect knight X1

4-starred lady bug of doom X1

man-eater bug X2

grasschopper X2

swarm of locust X1

brain crusher X1


spell cards


heavy strom X1

smashing ground X1

mystical space typhoon X1

lightning vortex X1


trap cards


magic cylinders X1

sakuestu armor X3

compulsory evcuation device X3

trap hole X1

dust tronado X1

waboku X2

needle ceiling X1


hope you like my insect deck



I took out some cards that I felt weren't needed (there are probably others... I'm not sure) Some cards that you might want to think about adding are Torential Tribute, Mirror Force, Magic Drain, Giant Trunade, Swords of Revealing (sp?) Light , and probably some other cards that I can't think of at the moment (maybe a Breaker and a Magician of Faith...)

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