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Both, and really, it depends on the game. If you're given a truly terrible hand, it won't matter if you're skilled. You'll still end up losing. Whereas, if you have a great hand, but you have no skill, you won't know how to play it, and you'll still end up losing. (Happened with my 6 year old cousin, could've won, played the cards wrong and lost)


The player who is the most skill should still win the most often, however. If one person always plays they're cards better, and players draw the same general hands, the player with the most skill will win.


To win, you need a balance of both "luck" and skill.

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Guest JoshIcy

ITT: Dead Draws mean you have bad luck.

No... A consistent Deck only has less workable hands. While there ARE Luck Based Decks.


So it's mostly skill unless the game itself is designed for luck.

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It depends on the game. War is nothing but luck, whereas Mao is most heavily based in skill.


Luck. Skill is irrelevant


I laughed.


There is no luck' date=' as I explained in a post in another thread. Blah blah, theory of randomness, blah blah, how you shuffle the cards, blah blah.


It's based on 'luck', skill, [b']and[/b] your opponent's skill.


"Luck" is a perfectly understandable shorthand for "the effect of random events on a player's probability of winning", and unless you're advocating cheating by performing imperfect shuffles, how you shuffle the cards will not change that.

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