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Digimon World 2003


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It was an epic game. I really feel DGW DS/Dusk/Dawn should have kept closer to it.


Discuss Digimon World 2003 or the original Digimon World, or anything from the series, but mainly those two, because they were the best.


EDIT: This has officially shown me why there are caps on Framerate. Running it at over 200FPS makes it impossible to move accurately >_>

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The best part of the reason, and honestly the reason to play it, was the card game, that kicked so much ass.


Other than that, I found the battle system itself to be very lacking... Evolution was nice in that it could branch and stray from the "canon" lines, and the number of Digimon was considerable, but the fighting felt boring and the animations were reused over and over again.


The card game was awesome though, not sure I mentioned it.

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