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Violet Ichigo Tag


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As far as i remember' date=' you more like critiqued my post than his work, so lol, you kinda lied, not said truth.


Second,If you want to know ridiculous modding, ill quote you 3 texts why i got banned on another site.

Enable cookies, and we can't fix your profile if it's you browsers fault.
THIS has been discussed, use the freaking search tool :@@@
This idea has been discussed, cmon, u evolved it, ur fault, in games i haven't see a pokemon de-volving, this is not digimon, u know?


So now, call YCM modding bad, and srsly, ill punch you in da face via my awesome electric molecules...=3 Anyhow, sorry for serious offtopic, but some people just never get that they have a thing avaible called pm, so we have to reply to them, and so piles up a nice,big, offtopic.


And you. You keep your filthy mouth closed and stay in those clubs of your where you can try to act cool.


Why should i shut my mouth, which in any way isn't filthy, when you can't shut yours. And maybe you should urself go back to ur WeFailAndCanOnlyFlame clubs?


Ohh, you're picking up a fight?


You do realize how stupid things you let out your mouth, do you?


Round 1! Fight!


*meh, no need to be like that*

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