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Realm of Dreams{co-owned by jeroukoo~Accepting by PM~Started~Advanced}


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Scientists of the year 2030 have found a way to the world of dreams. There are two doors for each person in the world. Nightmares, and Dreams. But there has been a price that any person who has gone into the realm of the dreams. There is a virus that looks like black scorpions, controlled by an unknown man who calls himself, "The Hacker". The virus has various effects. "The Hacker" has a group of followers called "The Midnight Sun". There's a group of people called "The Rising", who are prepared to stop the viruses, and the man behind this scheme. Are you a part of The Rising, The Midnight Sun, or a simple bystander? You choose.



[spoiler=List of Effects]




Feeling to coware at random

Suicidal Thoughts

Uncontrolable Rage


Sudden Weakness

Random transformations

Memory Loss

Max Adrenaline







2. If you have "random transformations" as your infection, just remember that you can't control it- you could turn into a tree for all you know.

3. No fights out of character. Take it through PM if it isn't your character fighting with another character.

4. OOC only posts will result in an automatic kick-from-thread.

5. All Advanced Clause rules apply.

6. Both jeroukoo and myself can accept apps.

7. Unlimited number of re-dos on apps.

8. Up to 3 characters.

9. Bio must be at least 6 sentences.








The Rising or Midnight Sun:


If Infected, effect:





[spoiler=My App]

Name: Talia Sun

Age: 12

Appearance: [spoiler=Talia]amu.png


The Rising or Midnight Sun: The Rising

Infected: Yes

If Infected, effect: Memory Loss

Bio: Talia used to be a normal girl. Used to. Now, she was sent off to some thing to destroy a hacker. She is no longer normal. Talia was supposed to test the machine, and kill the virus. And "The Hacker". Her parents died trying to destroy the virus. Well, one of them, her mother, is her dead. Her father is suffering from spasms. And now she was infected- and has memory loss.



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Name: Jason

Age: 16

Appearance: Avi

The Rising or Midnight Sun: The Rising Then Midnight Sun

Infected: Yes

If Infected, effect: Random Transformations into other human

Bio: Jason is a sports involved kid, excelling in education and sports. He is a tough kid with fast speed to, he was infected in his first time inside the realm of dreams and vows vengeance against the "Hacker". He randomly transforms into some girl who is the exact opposite of Jason weak and not that athletic. He can not control himself in this form, therefore making Jason two different people.

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Name: Sean Kozac

Age: 15




The Rising or Midnight Sun: The Rising

Infected: Yes

If Infected, effect: Sudden Weakness

Bio: Sean's life was perfect. He had great friends and respectful siblings. Around the present time-line, Sean was the first to be tested to enter the Realm of Dreams. The time he entered the dreams of one of the scientists, he noticed a small black scorpion. It had bitten him and he was told to abort the test. After returning to the real world, Sean felt a sudden weakness in his muscles. The scientists understood that it was one of the many effects of the Hacker's infection. They knew that this will happen at occasional times in or out of the Realm of Dreams. Then the scientists told Sean to join an organization called The Rising to stop the followers of the Hacker, and the Hacker himself. Sean agreed to this agreement and now will do what he can to find the Hacker and The Midnight Sun.


I promise I'll stay active here no matter what.

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Name: Britney Knowles

Age: 17

Appearance: [spoiler=Pics :D]Anime_girl_punk-3.jpg


The Rising or Midnight Sun: The Rising

Infected: Yes

If Infected, effect: Suicidel Thoughts

Bio: Britney is what you call hat 'Pefect Hyped Up Singer Girl'. When she was about 5 years old she began singing and ever since then she has sang every moment she gets. She is the oldest of the three 'Knowles' Siblings and she trys to take care of them. The Virus killed their parents when it led them to death. Every since then she has vowed vngence to kill the Virus and The "Hacker". Her Suicidal Thoughts are basicaly a trigger to her siblings effect. Whenever she almost commits suicide she snaps out of it and all of her siblings effects end with it.


Name: Maria Knowles

Age: 16

Appearance: [spoiler=PICS :D ;D] cedfe3c7.jpg


The Rising or Midnight Sun: The Rising

Infected: Yes

If Infected, effect: Fainting

Bio: Maria is the middle child in the 'Knowles' family. She is a Party girl and she can dance , can party till she pass's out on the ground. Whenever her sister's effects happen she ultimatly faints as if she was at a party and she got knocked out. She honestly is afraid to try and kill 'The Hacker' cause she thinks she is going to end up like her parents. Dead. She trys to stay calm during all of this but sometimes she can't handle it and she breaks down. Maria is planning to just deal with this and try to get out of it.


Name: Justin Knowles

Age: 15

Appearance: [spoiler=PICS :D ;D =] ]Koji.jpg


The Rising or Midnight Sun: The Rising

Infected: Yep

If Infected, effect: Uncontrolable Rage

Bio: Justin is the youngest of the 'Knowles' siblings. He trys to protect her sisters even if they both try to protect him. His Rage is caused by Britney's Suicidal Thoughts and then by Maria's constant Fainting. He honestly just punch's the air and just basicaly trys to harm anything thats in his range. HHe is realy artistic. He usualy loves to paint and he plans to be the modern picaso.




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Name: Jason Clawborne

Age: 16



The Rising or Midnight Sun: The Rising

Infected: Yes

If Infected, effect: Max adrenaline

Bio: Jason is the typical nerd of high school. Even though he has a perfect body, as many girls say behind his back, he was just too smart for high school. Jason is extremely curious, and he always explored things he didn't know about, and even explored things he did know about. He also always got the highest grades, making him a target for bullies. He always got his head dunked, his papers whacked out of his hands, etc. Jason also just happens to be a talented writer, and keeps many notebooks where he writes poems and stories.

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Name: Oliver "Oli" Rayn

Age: 16

Appearance: [spoiler=Appearance]Emo_boy_by_merki_the_vampire.png


The Rising or Midnight Sun: The Rising

Infected: yes

If Infected, effect: Random Cowaring.

Bio: Oliver grew up with his father and stepmother after his real mother died during childbirth, he was raised in average comfort, and would often hear about his mother from his older brother Jacob, thus, he grew to miss his mother without actually knowing her. About two weeks before Oliver's 14th birthday, Jacob died in a car crash, testing the entire family. caving under preasure, Oli spiraled into depression, eventually taking on the mantle of an 'emo'.


Name: Briel (Bree-Ell) Bennet

Age: 16

Appearance: [spoiler=Appearance]punk_anime_girl.jpg


The Rising or Midnight Sun: The Rising

Infected: Yes

If Infected, effect: (Can I have Mood swings?)

Bio: Briel's family are very rich, she has always had the finest things in life, private edjucation, lessons in many musical instruments, proper ediquet teachings, all sorts of things, but they just never really caught her intrest. Briel always listened to rock music, she was forever living the life of a rebel, and her parents hated her for it. Until finally, they gave in and decided to support her, although it was against thier wishes, they want Briel to be happy.

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Name: Yagami Medina

Age: 17

Appearance: Tall, skinny guy with spikey black hair and red highlights. Wears a dark shade and usually wears a leather jacket, even in the middle of summer

The Rising or Midnight Sun: innocent bystander

Infected: Yes

If Infected, effect: Suicidal Thoughts and occasional memory loss

Bio: Showing a fascination in Astral Traveling and Lucid Dreaming, Yagami has put a great interest in the scientists discovery of ways to enter the dream realm. Yagami is a typical rebelious teen going through his final years of high school. He was introduced to drugs to enter the dream world, however, he has discovered a natural way that little people know of. With the sudden virus spreading through the dream network, Yagami had little time to get out in time and was bitten by The Scorpion. There are dreams he can't remember and there is a dark past only his dreams can unravel. However, he only remembers bits and pieces of it and now he must reenter the dream network to get some answers...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Jecht Jynce

Age: 16



The Rising or Midnight Sun: The Rising

Infected: Yes

If Infected, effect: Blindness

Bio: Jecht had a hard life. His parents never had much money. He never had anything good to look forward to in life. He usally had to stoop so low as to theivry, even though he hated it he thought it nessicary. He dropped out of highschool to earn some money as a preformer. He taught himself how to play the guitar and used that ability to earn any amount of money possible. It all went to helping his family. One day he was offered to test this device that lead to the world of dreams because the company was forced to show that they "supposedly cared" about those with less money. He thought why not and decided to do it. He was attacked by a black scorpion and when he came out of the dream world he was blind. He decided to join The Rising so others wouldn't have to suffer as he now does with the various effects of The Hacker.

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  'pegasasu said:

Oh wow' date=' this thread is old....

Accepted- we will start once somebody makes an app for the Midnight Sun



Well, I have a question, what is the Midnight Sun really supposed to do? I mean the black scorpions are the ones going around infecting people. What's their job as followers of "The Hacker"?

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I'll do it now if it gets us started.


Name: Kaze Kamikaze

Age: 17



The Rising or Midnight Sun: Midnight Sun

Infected: No

If Infected, effect: N/A

Bio: Kaze has always had a twisted mind even as a child. Even though she's young she's killed those who get in her way. She's apart of a major crime company, stealing anything valuble. She is very useful because of her innocent face and knows exactly how to get what she wants and will stop at nothing to do so. She was resuited personally by the Hacker and thought it was an absolulty great oppertunity.

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Jason awoke from his bed. Today was the day. The day on which he planned to go into the realm of dreams. To find the Hacker. If I am going to the Realm of Dreams, I need to be prepared. Jason looked at his closet. Half of it was his clothes, the other half his counter parts. Truly evil. Jason shook his head and stood up. He needed to get ready. And fast, it was almost time for the meeting. He pulled his coat over his shirt which he wore last night. He was prepared to leave on moments noticePr

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OoC:I guess we're starting then.


IC: Jecht had been awake for a couple of hours. He had take a shower, dressed, and got any things he might need. "I guess today's the day." He said to himself. He "looked" at his hands wishing he could see them. Grief had played a factor in becoming blind. The thought of never being able to see anything. The closes thing he would be able to see is what he remembered or if he could touch it what he imagined to looked like. It could bring him to tears but would shove it to the back of his mind and tell himself to suck it up and deal with it. You can't fix it and you'll be like this forever so get used to it.


Kaze was already in the Dream world, carrying a sack that was squirming around in her grip. It was her job to place scorpions in active places in the realm of dreams. "This seems a good as spot as ever." She said to herself and pulled out three black scorpions by the tails. "There we go. Run off and go infect some people." She set them on the ground and tapped them so they all ran off in different directions. She looked inside the old bag. "Well that seems to be all of them." She dropped the bag on the ground and started walking around to find any other people in the Dream World.

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Jason ((Jay from now on, to tell them apart)) stretched, and yawned. He looked around at his room, and sighed. Anyone who looked at it would say he was pure geek. Sitting on a desk was an advanced laptop, with a video game screensaver. On his walls were various posters of books and games. On a shelf along the wall were hundreds of small books. They weren't books he bought, per se. They were notebooks, filled with stories that he had written. He sighed again, and stood up. He looked down at his body, the only good thing about him (or so he heard), and shuffled over to the shower. At least today, that all changes.


((Could someone explain to me in detail what 'Max Adrenaline' is? I've been trying to figure it out, but have no idea...))

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Britney and Maria both sat anxiously on their respectife beds in their shared room. All three of the siblings shared the room. Drake had came into the room, his hair wet cause he just had left the shower. "Well when are we going back to the Realm Of Dreams, we need to hurry" . Britney said, her eyes darting from Maria to Drake. 'Your useless you know that, you should go drown yourself in a lake, maybe eat a whole entire bottle of pills' , Britney thought to herself. Meanwhile Maria was holding onto the side of the wall, about to fall down into unconsciousness. Drake's temper began to bubble and boil with a sudden feeling of anger and rage.

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((I think Max Adreniline is a great brust of energy which should increase you speed and strength but it is at random times.))


"I guess its time to go." Jecht said and tapped his white cane on the ground and whistled. Then a golden lab. walked up to Jecht. After some diffuculty he got a harness on the dog and held his lease. "C'mon Jax let's go." He said walking with the dog. "Bye mom!" He called as he walked out the door. Luckily he wasn't far from where the meeting was held and he thought it would be a bit embarresing to be dropped off by his mother. Anyone who Jecht would get near would immediatly move to the end of the sidewalk to avoid him when they saw he was blind. He could hear them avoiding getting near him. Even though he was blind he was nowhere near being remotly helpless.

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