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XxHighVoltagexX's Splice Archive


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[spoiler=2010 Splices]



Goldol = Golem + Claydol


Geoshroom = Geodude + Shroomish


Marorb = Marill + Voltorb








Pidgey with Piplup Colors




I'll update this thread about once or twice a week.


Also, don't hesitate to criticize my splice(s).

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great! could you pm me a tut?




Thanks. :)


I'll try to get a tutorial up on this thread soon.


I just finished the Goldol splice about 10 minutes ago.


EDIT: I have a video tutorial on splicing that I made using Hypercam 3. Since It's Hypercam, I don't talk in the video, so you have to pay close attention. It's being uploaded to my youtube account now. It should be finished uploading in about 20 minutes.

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Thats pretty cool' date=' i hope people don't forget this!!!!




Thank you.


I just got my best friend into splicing, and he thinks it's awesome.


I just updated the archive with a new splice.


EDIT: Oh, and my youtube video won't show up for some reason, so there won't be a tutorial. Sorry.

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