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I began one last duel, knowing a very bad loss awaited!

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The title should be read "I began one last duel, knowing a very bad loss awaited!".


Let's discuss the awesomeness that is "Begone, Knave!". Synchros get bounced into oblivion, Gladiator Beasts don't get to do anything, Lightlords lose their mill if they can't Lyla it, and some other stuff I'm too lazy to think about happens.


It's awesome Tier 4-quality tech.

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Anti-Meta' date=' but also anti-rules.


Isn't it stated clearly that you need the name of the card in the title, Mr Super? I got a 20% warning for not doing that you know...



Didn't you read the first line of my post? The card's name is quite clearly in the title. >.>

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Gladiator Beasts would just Bestiari by tagging from a Defense Position monster or Gyzarus, Lightsworn runs a fairly high volume of Rykos/Lylas/Celestias nowadays, or at least more so than they did since the Limiting of Lumina. The two Judgment Dragons go without saying. As for Synchros, I should think they'd just not attack and wait it out until they get some form of destruction.


In any case, I'm not seeing this as all that much better than Swords of Revealing Light considering all the opportunities in which one can destroy it these days, especially with nonsense like extra Breakers, Dust Tornadoes, Trap Eaters, Fairy Winds, and whatnot in Side Decks.


OMG right =))


I got Rick'Rolled...


No, no you didn't.

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Cumpulsory will usually be more effective, unless you're wasting tons of cards on S/T protection.


Anti-Meta' date=' but also anti-rules.


Isn't it stated clearly that you need the name of the card in the title, Mr Super? I got a 20% warning for not doing that you know...



Didn't you read the first line of my post? The card's name is quite clearly in the title. >.>

It wouldn't appear if you searched it, which is also one of the complaints. Annnnnnnnd it's still misleading. I'm gonna get the Supers all over you and have your butt shipped on a permanent vacation to Bantopia. Now begone, knave!

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