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[DISC] Super-Electromagnetic Voltech Dragon

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basically the same as ancient gear gadjiltron chimera with the green, red and yellow gadgets. although i may be brave enough to say that ACG chimera may be better this this weird lookin thingymajigger


for strarters, true AGG chimera has less attack, but it's tributing options are a lil better and (if you're of my type) more destructive in the points category.


also, i hope the batterymen have more than just this, cause if they do then they may be toast after AGG dragon is summoned (3000/2500)


then again, i know little of the batterymen so i'm blind to their ability in that region.


someone fill me in briefly on them please? would greatly appreciate it

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basically the same as ancient gear gadjiltron chimera with the green' date=' red and yellow gadgets. although i may be brave enough to say that ACG chimera may be better this this weird lookin thingymajigger


for strarters, true AGG chimera has less attack, but it's tributing options are a lil better and (if you're of my type) more destructive in the points category.


also, i hope the batterymen have more than just this, cause if they do then they may be toast after AGG dragon is summoned (3000/2500)


then again, i know little of the batterymen so i'm blind to their ability in that region.


someone fill me in briefly on them please? would greatly appreciate it



Basic Batteyman strategy:


  1. Special Summon Batteryman AA.
  2. Activate Inferno Reckless Summon, getting two more.
  3. Activate Short Circuit, destroying every card your opponent has out.
  4. Attack for 9000.


Also, nobody uses AGGD for anything other than Geartown

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Basic Batteyman strategy:


  1. Special Summon Batteryman AA.
  2. Activate Inferno Reckless Summon' date=' getting two more.
    [*']Activate Short Circuit, destroying every card your opponent has out.
  3. Attack for 9000.


Also, nobody uses AGGD for anything other than Geartown


That's the basic Battery man strategy?


I gotta make a clone but moar evil version of this then....


*goes to Armadilloz for help*


Also I agree with Arm here.



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I don't think this is that bad. I mean' date=' one tribute, you either get:

- Protection from Spell/Traps. Pretty good.

- Piercing effect. Pretty good.

- 3400 ATK. Pretty good for level 5.



Nobody uses Batteryman C's...


Konami needs to realize that people won't play battermen decks for another reason other than their OTK.


They just need to make cards that will spam AA's faster.


I'm not saying this card is bad, but I would never play it.

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