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Fantasy Kingdom - Ch. 1 Pt. 2 Added!

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I only have access to my computer for 2 hours

a day for the sole reason that I'm grounded, so I

don't have much time to get things done.

I'll update whenever I get the chance...


[spoiler=Chapter 1: Confusion]5mff9c.png21eorpc.png


[spoiler=Chapter 2: Hey Sora...]In Construction


[spoiler=Chapter 3: Keyblades]In Construction


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2 Hours to me isn't that much compared to the time I usually spend' date=' but whatevz.

Eh, I fail to have enough time to make this look good.



What, I spend my entire-non-at-school time on the PC, PS3 or TV. And at school too, at recess.

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