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Kari v Donovyn

Spirit of DMG

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I vote for Kari.


It has a nice way to be Special Summoned (not too different from "The Tricky") and with her effect you can Synchro Summon quickly. It's interesting how her name and first effect suggest that she works well with the Card Knights (King, Queen, Jack), while her Attribute and second effect don't go well with them as it involve DARKs. Maybe she was designed to transform the Knight's Deck into a Chaos Deck?


Moonlight Seyruh, on the other hand, has a fake type and can bring a high-level monster, although specific, easily to the field. At least she doesn't have 1500 ATK or she would be abusable with "Shining Angel".


OCG errors:

Queen Knight:

Warrior - Type --> Warrior-Type



Shorter effect:

If "Wingweaver" was Summoned in this way, increase its ATK by 500 and decrease its DEF by 1000 --> If "Wingweaver" is Special Summoned in this way, it gains 500 ATK and loses 1000 DEF

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