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The only thing that I might make sense of what you said is that a lingering effect (card effects that activate but do not require to stay on the field for its activation to stay in effect) cannot be negated or stopped if the card that activated it was successful. If it somehow holds a stronger wall than a continuous effect that's present on the field with the same effect, then I guess that can make sense.


In this case, it would seem that a lingering effect is more powerful in a sense that while continuous effects can be bypassed or negated by other cards, a lingering effect that's already active cannot, which could be why Spiritualism works in those cases of continuous effects instead of lingering ones. Either that, or it doesn't consider a lingering effect an effect of a card anymore, but rather just a presence over the field... @_@ the mind, it boggles


It still doesn't make the most sense because in my opinion, you still cannot negate a card that has yet to be activated, and you can't activate a card if another card tells you not to, but if that's how they are, I can't change that :< I guess preventing it from activating is also negating...

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Honestly, I didn't really understand what I said either. But I'm going with the rulings, and they seem to mean what I said. We need Lobster Hat or someone in here.


its all a matter of which is in play first and which is trying to respond second


No it isn't. All cards in question are Spell Speed 1. I think. And even if you were to chain to Spiritualism to try to stop it, it won't. Since you can't stop it once it's played. The only way to stop it is to continouosly use a bunch of lingering effects or to play Prohibitation or something.

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its all a matter of which is in play first and which is trying to respond second


Not sure where you're getting with that, since continuous effects don't have to respond, they're always in effect. They would've been on the field first before you could play Spiritualism, being a Normal Spell card. What you said can't really be it.

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