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Reconnect. Kingdom Hearts

shadow wind

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Did you see the updates to the ranking system? me and the other keyblade master are trying to make it better. how do you think i can make it better?

Awesome! :D


I should be on the Heartless list as Sora.

The king of epic.



that is an idea, do you think i should have 3 diffrent lists or rankings?

Keyblade warriors



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IMO, align center and some other stuff.


[spoiler=Like this. (Also, fixed up capitals and puncuation and stuff. xD)]

[align=center]Hey! Welcome to Reconnect. Kingdom Hearts!

This is the ultimate Kingdom Hearts club, so if you're a fan, join!



1. Follow all YCM rules

2. Anyone can join

3. No spaming

4. If you are gonna post about 358/2 days or birth by sleep please put spoiler alert

5. If you are banned by a club mod your rank changes to heartless, you can reaply after one week.

6. If you are inactive for a week your rank changes to nobody.

7. If a Master Keyblade Wielder is not active three days a week they will be given another chance, if they fail to stay on three days a week they will be demoted.



[spoiler=Application Form]

Name:(NOTE: This can be your nickname, instead of your actual username.)

Kingdom Hearts games you have owned or played:

Security Question:(Anwser ONE of the following questions:)


1. Where is Sora's home world?

2. Who is Sora's nobody?

3. What is the goal of Organization XIII?

4. Name one member of Organization XIII.

5. Name the theme song of the English Kingdom Hearts.

6. Who created Kingdom Hearts?

7. Who is Axel the nobody of?

8. Who is Siax the nobody of?

9. What does Vanitas control?

10. Who trains Ven(Ventus),Aqua and Terra to become Keyblade masters?

11. Roxas gave Axel a salt-sea ice cream stick in 358/2 days, what did it say?

12. Who is the final boss in 358/2 days?

13. Name all members of Orginization XIII.




Jonathan (shadowwind) - Keyblade Master.

RiD (Akumakagemaru) - Keyblade Master.

Codey (Smeargle) - Keyblade Master.

Zeo (Zeonark) - Keyblade Master.

Marluxia (Organization13Roxas) - Keyblade Wielder.

Lexi (JadenxAtemYAOI) - Keyblade Apprentice.



[spoiler=Todays Topic]

Todays Topic: Anything about Kingdom Hearts.




None right now.



[spoiler=Ranking System]

Keyblade Master: Club admin, can accept or decline any application form.


Master Keyblade Wielder: Mod on forum, must be active 3 days a week and must have 1000 posts on the forum or Keyblade Masters approval.


Keyblade Veteran: Has posted 500 times on the forum.


Advanced Keyblade Wielder: Has posted 300 times on the forum.


Keyblade Wielder: Has posted 25 times on the forum.


Keyblade Apprentice: New member.


Nobody: a member that has not posted on this forum for a week.


Heartless: A member banned by a Keyblade Master Wielder or higher.



[spoiler=Heartless List]

None right now.



[spoiler=Nobody List]

None right now.




03 - 12 - 2010 9:51 PM: Club Created.

03 - 12 - 2010, 10:09 PM : RiD joined.

03 - 13 - 2010 1:34 AM: Zeo joined.

03 - 13 - 2010 2:04 PM : Codey joined.

03 - 13 - 2010 5:01 PM : Marluxia joined.

03 - 13 - 2010 5:49 PM Lexi joined




[spoiler=Banners and Club Card]



Made by Codey.




Made by Codey.




Made by Codey.




Made by Codey.




Or even small + align.


[spoiler=Like this.][align=center]Hey! Welcome to Reconnect. Kingdom Hearts!

This is the ultimate Kingdom Hearts club, so if you're a fan, join!



1. Follow all YCM rules

2. Anyone can join

3. No spaming

4. If you are gonna post about 358/2 days or birth by sleep please put spoiler alert

5. If you are banned by a club mod your rank changes to heartless, you can reaply after one week.

6. If you are inactive for a week your rank changes to nobody.

7. If a Master Keyblade Wielder is not active three days a week they will be given another chance, if they fail to stay on three days a week they will be demoted.



[spoiler=Application Form]

Name:(NOTE: This can be your nickname, instead of your actual username.)

Kingdom Hearts games you have owned or played:

Security Question:(Anwser ONE of the following questions:)


1. Where is Sora's home world?

2. Who is Sora's nobody?

3. What is the goal of Organization XIII?

4. Name one member of Organization XIII.

5. Name the theme song of the English Kingdom Hearts.

6. Who created Kingdom Hearts?

7. Who is Axel the nobody of?

8. Who is Siax the nobody of?

9. What does Vanitas control?

10. Who trains Ven(Ventus),Aqua and Terra to become Keyblade masters?

11. Roxas gave Axel a salt-sea ice cream stick in 358/2 days, what did it say?

12. Who is the final boss in 358/2 days?

13. Name all members of Orginization XIII.




Jonathan (shadowwind) - Keyblade Master.

RiD (Akumakagemaru) - Keyblade Master.

Codey (Smeargle) - Keyblade Master.

Zeo (Zeonark) - Keyblade Master.

Marluxia (Organization13Roxas) - Keyblade Wielder.

Lexi (JadenxAtemYAOI) - Keyblade Apprentice.



[spoiler=Todays Topic]

Todays Topic: Anything about Kingdom Hearts.




None right now.



[spoiler=Ranking System]

Keyblade Master: Club admin, can accept or decline any application form.


Master Keyblade Wielder: Mod on forum, must be active 3 days a week and must have 1000 posts on the forum or Keyblade Masters approval.


Keyblade Veteran: Has posted 500 times on the forum.


Advanced Keyblade Wielder: Has posted 300 times on the forum.


Keyblade Wielder: Has posted 25 times on the forum.


Keyblade Apprentice: New member.


Nobody: a member that has not posted on this forum for a week.


Heartless: A member banned by a Keyblade Master Wielder or higher.



[spoiler=Heartless List]

None right now.



[spoiler=Nobody List]

None right now.




03 - 12 - 2010 9:51 PM: Club Created.

03 - 12 - 2010, 10:09 PM : RiD joined.

03 - 13 - 2010 1:34 AM: Zeo joined.

03 - 13 - 2010 2:04 PM : Codey joined.

03 - 13 - 2010 5:01 PM : Marluxia joined.

03 - 13 - 2010 5:49 PM Lexi joined




[spoiler=Banners and Club Card]



Made by Codey.




Made by Codey.




Made by Codey.




Made by Codey.





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Name: Organization XIII- Marluxia

Picture: Good Picture of Marluxia


Level: Find a fitting one for it's attack

Effect: For every "Kingdom Hearts" or "Organization XIII" monster on the field or in the Graveyard' date=' increase the attack of this monster x100.

ATK, DEF" 2300, 1900

Card type: Effect

Super Rare

Type: Spellcaster


Thanks a bunch RiD



np, sorry it took so long, got really busy today.


[spoiler=Your Card]295386u.jpg




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Guest Zeonark






I demand a Larxene' date=' Zexion, Axel, Saix, Demyx[/s'], and Kairi banner.

Just to make you work. ;D


Why do you want one of yourself?








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Guest Zeonark

He doesn't have to do it.


It's just something for him to do if he's bored. I'm not telling him "MAKE THESE OR DIE." or anything. xD


@RiD: And quiet you. D<

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