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The 10 Song Shuffle


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Not sure if this has been done on this forum, but anyway, couldn't be simpler.


1) Grab your iPod or preferred medium of playing music.


2) Put ALL of the said device onto shuffle/random (no missing out that embarrassing record).


3) List the first 10 songs that come up in order.


4) Highlight in bold your favourite of the selection.


5) Next person comments on your list to make it interactive and initiate banter/mocking of the above persons list. Comment on your favourite song from the list, simply state that you've never heard any of that junk or ridicule the fact that a 20+ male has a Britney Spears song on their iPod.

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1. Flogging Molly - Cruel Mistress

2. Behemoth - With Spell of Inferno

3. Frontline Assembly - Lowlife

4. Annotations of an Autopsy - Deities

5. Diaboli - Longing to Die

6. Fuckfest - Pit Ninja Pole Stripper

7. Zeromancer - Flaggelation

8. Non-Human Level - Instincts

9. Within Temptation - Somewhere

10. Mors Subita - Alone


Nothing embarrassing that time. Lol.

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You can. I do it all the time. Here what I got.


Duck and Run (Live) - 3 Doors Down

Dead in Ditches - Hollywood Undead

I Won't See You Tonight Part 1 - Avenged Sevenfold

Damage, Inc. - Metallica

Scars - Papa Roach

Hopeless - Breaking Benjamin

Heart Attack Man - Beastie Boys

Of Wolf and Man - Metallica

Lying Is the Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Off Her Clothes - Panic! at the Disco

She Never Cried In Front of Me - Toby Keith

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I Breathe Spears - 1349

Carpathian Forest - Carpathian Forest

Jesu Dod - Burzum

I Am The Black Wizards - Emperor

Antarctica - Immortal

Dimensions Intertwine - Decrepit Birth

Satan's Curse - Possessed

Morlocks Tomb - Hatchet

Black Spell of Destruction - Burzum

Fight Till Death - Slayer


Decent taste in music. Props for the 1349 track.

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Zwitter - Rammstein

Ich tu' Dir Weh - Rammstein

Lepositeet - Turmion Katilot

Spiel mit mir - Rammstein

Kann Denn Liebe Sünde Sein - Eisbrecher

Durch Den Monsun - Tokio Hotel

Supernova - Oomph!

Million Dollar Business - Turmion Katilot

The First Time Always Hurts - Oomph!

Ohne Dich - Eisbrecher


Got 2 favourites from this selection, but in different catagories.

One slow song, and one fast song, both good.

I actually like all of them, can't really choose a favourite

*attempts to highlight all songs*

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Zwitter - Rammstein

Ich tu' Dir Weh - Rammstein

Lepositeet - Turmion Katilot

Spiel mit mir - Rammstein

Kann Denn Liebe Sünde Sein - Eisbrecher

Durch Den Monsun - Tokio Hotel

Supernova - Oomph!

Million Dollar Business - Turmion Katilot

The First Time Always Hurts - Oomph!

Ohne Dich - Eisbrecher


Got 2 favourites from this selection' date=' but in different catagories.

One slow song, and one fast song, both good.

I actually like all of them, can't really choose a favourite

*attempts to highlight all songs*



A little heavy for my taste, but Tokio Hotel can be trippy as hell!


1) Party All Day- Steel Panther

2) Been A Son- Nirvana

3) Jesus of Suburbia- Green Day

4) Imagine- John Lennon

5) Chapter 4- Avenged Sevenfold

6) Breath- Breaking Benjamin

7) Crawl- Breaking Benjamin

8 ) Seize the Day- Avenged Sevenfold

9) First Date- Blink 182

10) Say It Aint So- Weezer

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Hack the Planet - Morphadron

Lilo Pop - Atari

Lotus Esprit Theme - Romolo di Prisco

Aerodynamic - Daft Punk

Viaggia Insieme a Me (English Version) - Eiffel 65

Untitled - Unknown

Kung Fu Fighting (Fatboy Slim Remix) - Carl Douglass

Coffee and Age - Catastrophic

JJ's House - Atari

Harmonic Balance - DH Graphics


The Eiffel 65 song is pretty dang awesome, too.

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I Breathe Spears - 1349

Carpathian Forest - Carpathian Forest

Jesu Dod - Burzum

I Am The Black Wizards - Emperor

Antarctica - Immortal

Dimensions Intertwine - Decrepit Birth

Satan's Curse - Possessed

Morlocks Tomb - Hatchet

Black Spell of Destruction - Burzum

Fight Till Death - Slayer


Decent taste in music. Props for the 1349 track.


Yeah, I'm going to see them live in April.

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Emporer - Nonus Aequilibrium

Gorillaz - Latin Simone

Nokturnal Mortum - Kuyaviya

Graveworm - Abandoned by Heaven

Twiztid - Death Note

Gorillaz - Empire Ants

Wintersun - Sleeping Stars

Cradle Of Filth - Funeral In Carpathia

Tsjuder - Helvete

Nocturnus - Droid Sector


I wouldn't normally chose that one...but that is my favorite song by them. =P

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Am I going to do this again? OH MY GOD I AM


Heinerklingle (Short Version) - Jeff van Dyk

Hyena Laugh - DJ Rag$

Rock Like a Dude - Atari

Iledeman - Etran Finatawa

Ben - Monty Python (I have the Monty Python Life of Brian soundtrack!)

Need for Speed Intro Part 1 - Electronic Arts

Television Rules the Nation - Daft Punk

Little Sweaty Sow - Matt Ragan

"Sweet 01" - Unknown

Headless Horse - Jeff van Dyk


Little Sweaty Sow and Headless Horse would have been a two-way tie if not for the Monty Python.

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I decided to do this again. It's fun. This time the bolded song(s) are my favorites, I forgot to do that last time.


Eternal Rest - Avenged Sevenfold

Satellite (Live) - Dave Matthews Band

No Sleep 'Til Brooklyn - Beastie Boys

The Man Who Sold The World - Nirvana

It's Not My Time - 3 Doors Down

Back to Normal - Zebrahead

Corduroy - Pearl Jam

Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven - Kenny Chesney

Icky Thump - The White Stripes

...And Justice for All - Metallica

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Since I'm saviouring listen to Muse for the first time in ages, I'll use Itunes.


1) Empty Spaces - One Way Mirror

2) Still Standing - The Rasmus

3) Frgt/10 - Linkin Park (Chali 2na/The Alchemist)

4) Sunday Morning - Cinder

5) World Long Gone - Scars On Broadway

6) Like You - Evanescence

7) Give It All - Rise Against

8 ) Could've Been With You - Blessid Union Of Souls

9) My Hatred - Trivium

10) I Almost Told You That I Loved You - Papa Roach

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