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The render has his arm extend straight out, with the sword going out further on the same angle, creating a flow that the eye follows. The eye reaches the body, where the other arm is angled upward, and the leg and angled downward, giving two different directions the eye could flow (and supposedly, you would connect them back to the arm using the background). Your background is a bunch of random squiggles that does not compliment or enhance the render in the slightest.

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The render has his arm extend straight out' date=' with the sword going out further on the same angle, creating a flow that the eye follows. The eye reaches the body, where the other arm is angled upward, and the leg and angled downward, giving two different directions the eye could flow (and supposedly, you would connect them back to the arm using the background). Your background is a bunch of random squiggles that does not compliment or enhance the render in the slightest.





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Flow? Where in the hell do you see flow in that?


I was referring to the render used' date=' which is really quite a wonderful pick, flow-wise.



I was talking to the owner of the thread. I can understand you're statement.

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