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Ridiculously Expensive Non-Broken Cards

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I remember a few years back (Not sure about today) I got a "Valkerion, The Magna Warrior" from my brother and he said it cost $15 at a local card shop. I remember before seeing online a long time ago a Jap. BEUD for like, $19.99. I mean come on, sure the games fun but im not spening that much money on one little square piece of cardboard with something printed on it. =/ It's like, the ultimate scam lol.

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Guest PikaPerson01

[align=center][Picture of some infernities]


From what I gather from several places online' date=' ~$34 and ~$17 respectively. So ridiculous.[/align']


That's more then the game itself cost. >_>

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Armed Wing is a super and is worth a crapload. Seriously it's rediculous, I remember back in the days a super rare was usually worth 10$ max except for zaborg who was everywhere priced at 20$. This game now is all about hype and top tiers deck.


As for the infernities, it's ok I remember d.d. assailant going for 40 in the chaos era.


Battle Fader is broken, it bends the rules of the game and doesn't have enough counterability to keep that effect in check. It kills your opponent's battle phase and you lose no CA while setting up big plays on your following turn like a tribute or a cyber valley.

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Cards are overpriced due to non-yugimonz reasons, what people want, sellers can inflate the price to whatever number people are willing to pay. It is about business, making up for times when people aren't buying cards, and keeping up in unstable economies.

However, one can simply wait until the card is cheaper after it is less effective, or pay a pretty penny for it. It's not fair, I do not agree with the expensive decks ruling the meta, but that is how life is in this economy...

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Cards are overpriced due to non-yugimonz reasons' date=' what people want, sellers can inflate the price to whatever number people are willing to pay. It is about business, making up for times when people aren't buying cards, and keeping up in unstable economies.

However, one can simply wait until the card is cheaper after it is less effective, or pay a pretty penny for it. It's not fair, I do not agree with the expensive decks ruling the meta, but that is how life is in this economy...



GBs say hi :) Cheapest meta ever!!!

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Anyone remember when D-Hero Disk Commander was $50?


EDIT: forgot about Non-Broken


Emmersblade really is ridiculously overpriced... It's a Shien's footsoldier for x-sabers...


Emmersblade makes X-Sabers broke.dek . I should know, I've played it/played against it. It adds so much consistency and speed, its not funny.

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Guest PikaPerson01

Archlord Kristya


I honestly don't see her as broken. Good support for a dedicated deck. Yeah yeah, LS or whatever. She's not an LS! Her only crime is that she can be used in a Lightsworn deck.

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Guest PikaPerson01

Archlord Kristya


I honestly don't see her as broken. Good support for a dedicated deck. Yeah yeah' date=' LS or whatever. She's not an LS! Her only crime is that she can be used in a Lightsworn deck.



An LS!?


An El-Es. It makes grammatical sense in the way I pronounced it in my head. o_0

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