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۞The Black Knight's Organization: Grand Opening۞


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Welcome to "The Black Knight's Organization".

Anyone is welcome to join. No one will denied unless we have a good reason of course. Here we can talk about pretty much anything. But don't go off topic or spam. You can post your cards here and we will rate/check over them. If you need anything just ask me or the members in this club. Also if you have an issue with a member or rule just PM me. Also when you fill out the form to join you can add your birthday and or age.

Also at times I will hold meeting with the Idea Ops, Supreme Black Knights, and Guardians Of The Black Knights

If You Want To Join Fill Out This Simple App

● Anything with a * must be done.


What you would like to be called:


IM: (Name if its either Yahoo, Aol/Aim, or MSN)

By the way if you are not apart of this club and post and it is not the App you will be negged twice and reported

[spoiler=[b]Black Knights Newspaper[/b]]


● Black Knights Organization has Officially Opened. :)

● Necro Pheonix joins as our 1st memeber :).

● Insert Name Here joins as 2nd member




● Bakura Kakashi joins as our 3rd member

● MarshyK-XS joins as our 4th member

● Random Dude joins as our 5th member

● Shadow Zero joins as our 6th member

● Mr.Wham joins as our 7th member

● Striker9211 joined as our 8th member

● Daily News joins as our 9th member

● Shadow Zero & Necro Phoenix have been promoted to "Guardian Of the Black Knights"

● "INH Academy" affilates with our club as our 1st affialte





● Yu-Gi-Oh 5D'S joins as our 9th member

● Yu-Gi-Oh 5D'S is promoted to "Idea Ops"

● "The New Millenuim of YCM" affilates with our club as our 2nd affialte

● "ShadowVerse" affilates with our club as our 3rd affialte

● "Multiverse" affilates with our club as our 4th affialte

● mason1999 joins as our 10th member





Basic Rules

● All YCM Rules Apply

● I have the final say, what I say goes.

● No Spamming

● No Flamming

● No Mini-Modding

● If you break any rule I will PM you and if you still don't listen you will be warned.

● No Racist Attitude towards race, color, etc. If you show a racist attitude its a immediate 2 week ban.

Warning System

Only Chrid97(Me of Course) and Co-Leaders can give at warnings.

You can and will receive warnings for the following:

● Constantly Flamming.

● Constantly Spamming.

● Constantly Disrespect of another member in this club.

● Constant Change of Topics.

Warnings are notified as * and the amount of times you have been banned is notified as ✖. If you receive 4 bans your are Permanently Banned. If I feel that I might re-apply I will PM you and notify everyone, and if you do not change you will never be accepted again.


You are allowed to change the topic as many times as you please. But if we just started a topic and you are the only one who does not understand/like it, well tough. Do not try to change the topic. If we just began a topic do not try to change it unless no one likes/interested in it. If you feel a topic is gone on to long you have the right to try change it

but if no one agrees do not try again until maybe 30 min later. I do not mind multi-topics. For example we can be talking about 2 things at a time. You are allowed to create another topic but not one that replaces

the current topic.


You are allowed to advertise your shop, club etc. But you are only allowed to once per page. This includes your threads/posts.


We will be having Events, Contest, Prizes, etc. I will not know the exact date. Any one is allowed to host a contest for this club, but only with my permission. If someone makes a contest for this club without out my permission you will immediately receive 2 warnings.




Current Members: 11


Guardian Of The Black Knights

[spoiler=Chrid97[b]♂[/b] ]

*Username: Chrid97

What you would like to be called: Chrid/Chris

Gender: Male

Age: 12

Birthday: 12/12/97

IM: Aim: roy97yaboy



[spoiler=Necro Phoenix[b]♂[/b]]

*Username: Necro Pheonix

What you would like to be called: Necro


IM: PM me if you want it. MAYBE, i'll give it to ya. You


[spoiler=Shadow Zero[b]♂[/b]]

*Username: Shadow Zero

What you would like to be called: "My name is 'Shadow'" lolquotage

Gender: Male

IM: gogetoavenger for aim and ranmyakushadou for MSN.



Graphic Knights


Idea Ops

[spoiler=Yu-Gi-Oh 5D'S[b]♂[/b]]*Username:Yu-Gi-Oh 5D'S

What you would like to be called:5D'S


IM: (Name if its either Yahoo, Aol/Aim, or MSN)



Supreme Black Knights


Elite Black Knights


Black Knights

[spoiler=Insert Name Here]

Username:Insert Name Here

What you would like to be called: Prince INH

Gender: not telling

IM: (Name if its either Yahoo, Aol/Aim, or MSN): not telling



[spoiler=Bakura Kakashi[b]♂[/b]]

Username: Bakura Kakashi

What you would like to be called: Tomas

Gender: Male

IM: (Name if its either Yahoo, Aol/Aim, or MSN) I've only got Facebook.


[spoiler=Random Dude[b]♂[/b]]*Username: Random Dude

What you would like to be called: Whatever you want I guess


IM: I don't have one



[spoiler=Daily News[b]♂[/b]]

Username: Daily News

What you would like to be called: Daily or something

Gender: Male (it's scary isn't it. Nobody would ever guess O.o)

IM: None at the moment



*Username: Striker9211

What you would like to be called: Striker, Nate

Gender: Male

IM: (Name if its either Yahoo, Aol/Aim, or MSN) None



[spoiler= Mr.Wham[b]♂[/b]]

*Username: Mr.Wham

What you would like to be called: (its really up to you guys)

Gender: Male

IM:Riperaroo- yahoo & Eezy79- aim




What you would like to be called:19








[spoiler=Job Description]

Guardian Of The Black Knights

Guardian Of The Black Knights are the Admins of this club. They will be able to take my place in my absents. Though I still have the final say regardless.


Graphic Knights

You must have experience to become a Graphic Knight. First you must prove to me that you are capable of doing this, if you want to be apart of the Graphic Knights PM a banner for the club. If I like your banner you will be accepted.

Idea Ops

The Idea Ops has a group of people who come up with ideas to help the club.


Supreme Black Knights

The Supreme Black Knights are allowed to issue warnings and accept or reject other members. They can raise other peoples rank. To become a Supreme Black Knight you must show me you are ready. How to prove it to me you ask? Simple, follow the rules, don't flame, and don't spam. As simple as that.


Elite Black Knights

Elite Black Knights are allowed to accept/reject members.


Black Knights

Regular members with the potential of ranking up.



[spoiler=Birthdays :)]

Chrid97: Dec. 12, 1997




[spoiler=How To Affiliate]

If you want to Affiliate just ask.



INH Academy

The New Millennium of YCM







And if you have any ideas you want to tell me feel free to PM me. If the Idea is really good are you always have good ideas for the club you will get into the Idea Ops for sure.

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