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Dueling for a Dream [PG-13] (Chapter 4 has been delayed, see thread for details, sorry and Character - Sign Up)


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Before I begin, the cards there were used in the 3rd Chapter.....well most of them didn't exist at all, so I plan on making them into cards, since Destined for Darkness was the one who suggested those cards, so huge thanks for him.


Well I like the way Fan Fics are here, so I decided to make my own. Note, I'm using all cards that were made in real Yu-Gi-Oh Card Game, and I'm also using cards that I made up as well, and saved in my Card Maker, which are all in the Realistic Cards fourm, don't forget to check it out.


Well I would like this to be a Group Project, so people can be Story Editors, if they ask, and people can also post their own Character that would like to be inclouded, just post in this thread in the following manner, and I tell your if your accepted, which in all probability you will:


Your Username:

Character Name:


Race:(Not a mandatory question)


Main Deck:

Signature Cards:

The Deck List: Try to use the most up to date Forbidden/Limited List. Also, if you are going to post your created cards (which are allowed), don't post the image, since there are other fourms for it, and it will just make this page even longer then intented. So just post the name, what type it is, and it's effects.




[spoiler=The Main Character]

Your Username:Frybread002

Character Name:Akira Runner


Race:Native American

Bio:A little naive teenager, but is carring, more than he is reckless. Due to his hieght, he's mistakenly considered older than he looks.

Main Deck:The Six Samurai

Signature Cards: Doesn't have one, uses his deck as one.

The Deck List:

[spoiler=Decklist Real Cards] Monsters


Grand Master of the Six Samurai

Great Shogun Shien

The Six Samurai - Zanji

The Six Samurai - Irou

The Six Samurai - Nisashi

The Six Samurai - Kamon

The Six Samurai - Yaichi

Spirit of the Six Samurai

Chamberlain of the Six Samurai

Shein's Footsoldier




Six Samurai United

Legenday Ebon Steed

Cunning of the Six Samurai

Mystical Space Typhoon

Double Summon

Heavy Storm

Swords of Revealing Light

Reinforcement of the Amry




Swiftstrike Armor

Return of the Six Samurai

Double-Edged Sword Techniqe

Remote Revenge

Spirit Barrier

Divine Wrath

Compulsory Evacuation Device



[spoiler=Created Cards]Monsters


Ninja of the Samurai - Diego


Wind/4 Stars



This card is treated as a "Six Samurai" at all times during a duel. While you control another "Ninja" or "Six Samurai", monster with a different name, once per turn this card can special summon 1 "Ninja" or "Six Samurai" monster from your graveyard. If you use this effect, switch this card to Defense Position, and this card cannot attack on the next turn. If this card were to be destroyed, you can destroy another "Six Samurai" you control instead.


Ninja of the Samurai - Hikairi


Light/4 Stars



This card is treated as an "Six Samurai" at all times durning a duel. While you control another "Ninja" or "Six Samurai" monster with a different name, you can remove from play any monster that battles with this card after the damage step. If you use this effect, switch this card to Defense Position, and this monster cannot declare an attack the next turn. If this card were to be destroyed, you can destroy another or "Six Samurai" monster you control.


Ninja of the Samurai - Kunoichi


Water/3 Stars



This card is treated as a "Six Samurai" at all times during a duel. While you control another face up "Ninja' or "Six Samurai" monster with a different name, you can inflict 1000 points of damage to your opponet. If you use this effect, switch this card to Defense Position. If this card were to be destroyed, you can destroy another "Six Samurai" monster you control instead.


Ninja of the Samurai - Kikkomon


Earth/4 Stars



There can only be 1 "Ninja of the Samurai - Kikkomon" on the field at a time. While you control a face up "Ninja" or "Six Samurai" monster with a different name, you can destroy up to 2 monsters on the field. If you use this effect, switch this card to Defense Position, and this card cannot attack on the next turn depending on how many monsters you destroyed with this effect.


Ninja of the Samurai - Dekku


Dark/ 3 Stars



This card is treated as a "Six Samurai" monster at all times during a duel. While you control a "Ninja" or "Six Samurai" monster with a different name, once per turn this card can destroy 1 spell or trap. If you use this effect, switch this card to Defense Position, and this card cannot attack on the next turn. If this card were to be destroyed, you can destroy another "Six Samurai" monster you control instead.


Ninja of the Samurai - Ranbu


Fire/ 3 Stars



This card is treated as a "Six Samurai" monster during the entire duel. If you control another "Ninja" monster, or "Six Samurai" monster with a different name, once per turn this card can return 1 "Ninja" monster, or "Six Samurai" monster from the field, or graveyard to the hand. If you use this effect, switch this card to defense mode, and this card cannot attack on the next turn.


Ninja of the Samurai - Ronin


Light/ 10 Stars



While you control a face up "Ninja" or "Six Samurai" monster, you can send this card from the field to the graveyard to special summon 1 monster card from your graveyard, ignoring any, and all summoning conditions. Decrease the atk/def of this card by half at the end of each of your turns.


Ninja Hunter - S'ai


Earth/ 4 Stars



While you control another "Ninja" monster with a different name, once per turn this card is treated as "Battle Ground", but does not gains it's effects. When this card is destroyed, and sent to the graveyard, you can special summon 1 "Ninja" monster from your graveyard, with a different name.


Ninja Hunter - Yasu Go


Wind/ 4 Stars



While you control another "Ninja" monster with a different name, when card is normal summon succesfully, this card can special summon 1 "Ninja" monster from you hand. When this card is destroyed, and sent to the graveyard, you can special summon 1 "Ninja" monster from your graveyard with a different name


Ninja Hunter - Axel


Water/ 4 Stars



While you control another "Ninja" monster with a different name, once per turn, increase your Life Points by 500 points for each "Ninja" monster thats special summoned to your side of the field. When this card is destroyed, and sent to the graveyard, you can special summon 1 "Ninja" monster from your graveyard with a different name.


Ninja Hunter - Lozen


Wind/ 3 Stars



While you control another "Ninja" monster with a different name, once per turn this card can negate 1 attack controlled by one of your oponent's monster(s). When this card is destroyed, and sent to the graveyard, you can special summon 1 "Ninja" monster from you graveyard with a different name.


The Cowardly Fighter - Akira


Light/ 7 Stars



Although an amazing fighter and chief of his tribe, Akira is actually an coward at heart, and perferred he doesn't fight at all. But when he does get mad, his velocity can be fierce!




Ninja's Steath



When a "Ninja" or "Six Samurai" monster you control is sent from the field to the graveyard, you can apply the following effects:

-Add one "Ninja" or "Six Samurai" from your graveyard to your hand with a different name of the destroyed monster.

-Add one "Ninja" or "Six Samurai" monster from your deck, to your hand. The deck is then shuffled


The Kanabo



Equip only to a "Six Samurai" type monter. It gains 1000 ATK. The equiped monster can twice durning the battle phase. If equiped to a "Ninja of the Samurai" card, the quiped monster's effect that has it considered a "Six Samurai" monster throughout the entire duel is negated, and it loses 1000 ATK.


Restricted Ninjustsu!!!



As long as this card is on your side of the field, with at least 1 "Ninja of the Samurai" monster on the field, any "Ninja of the Samurai" monster you control does not have to switch to Defense Position after you use their effect(s).


Releases Ninjustu



You can remove from play 1 "Restricted Ninjustu!!!" and 6 "Ninja of the Samura" monster with different names form the field, or graveyard to apply this effect at all times during a duel. Send 1 "Restricted Ninjustsu!!!" to the graveyard to activate this card. All "Ninja of the Samura" monsters gain 2000 DEF, 500 ATK, can attack if you use their effects (regardless of any other card) and negate the effects that have them switched to Defense Position if you use their effect(s).


Battle Ground



All "Ninja" monster on your side of the field gain 200ATK and 300DEF. Select 1 "Ninja" monster you control. When the selected monster battles with a non "Ninja" monster, destroy the non "Ninja" monster after the damage step. When this card is destroyed, and sent to the graveyard, you can special summon 1 "Ninja" monster from your graveyard, with a different name.





The Blind Spot!!



Switch of all your oponents monsters to Defense Position. For this turn, when one your "Ninja" monsters battle with a card in a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of that card, inflict the defference as battle damage to your opponent. If a "Ninja" monster you control battles a face down monster, destroy that monster immediately with this effect, without applying damage caculation.





When a monster on your side of the field is destroyed, and sent to the graveyard, apply one of the following effects:

--Special summon 1 "Ninja" type monster from either player's graveyard, ignoring any, and all summoning conditions.

--Special summon 1 "Ninja" type monster from your hand or deck, ignoring any, and all summoning conditions.





While you contorl a face up "Ninja" or "Six Samurai" monster, apply one of the following effecting

-Once per turn, all face up "Ninja" and "Six Samurai" monsters gain 500 atk or 1000 def. Either player can activate this effect.

-Once per turn, all face up "Ninja" and "Six Samurai" monsters can attack directly. If you use this effect, you cannot declare an attack on your next turn. Either player can activate this effect.








[spoiler=Chapter 0 - Prolouge]


After 15 years of the Battle City tournament, Duel Monsters had finally made it's way to my region, and it took it by storm! So me and my friends started dueling with each other, but then I had to move, my parents founded new jobs in a big city, Tronic City I think it was called, so we had no choice but to move. So like any other friend, all of us held a Tournament in my honor, but crazy enough, I won, but I think they went easy on me. But what was crazier that we were only 7 years old! But man, we like to think that we had it all, cards, and strategy. But when I started Dueling in my new city, the duelist there were rough! I almost had my deck stolen from me!!


But now I'm 15, and 1 month in the Tronic City, I've gained new experiences, and the cool thing about it, there's a new Tournament in town, called the "New World Tournament" (NWC)hosted by Kaiba Corp, the same people who made the Battle City Tournament!! Right here in my own home city. So I went to the registration area, but as luck had it, the registration was closed, since there was no more openings available.


So I walked home, when I was confronted by a strange man, I think his name was......"Joe"......."Joey" well something like that. Well any who, he told me about a little "Underground Tournament" which was about 5 days away, and if I win, I could be provided an opening slot for NWC, so I thanked him, ran off, but for oddly enough he asked me if I wanted his autograph.


I said no, but oddly enough, he asked me if he knew who he was, so he went on ranting about things like "I'm 'The' Joey Wheeler", and that he was place 3rd or something in the Battle City Tournament, but I wasn't even born at the time, so I had no idea what he was talking about.


But feeling with a little regret, I "Asked" him for his autograph, then I took off. From there, I went to the Kaiba Dome here in town to test my deck, then I realized that people were dueling using some thing called a "Duel Disk", and mean it was crazy, these kids put their cards on that little disk, and came out these realistic Duel Monsters!!!


Now when I was still little, me and my friends used only mats, nothing fancy, but man!! These kids were using "THE" stuff. So I asked the person at the front desk about it, and he was surprised. I mean, I know Duel Monsters is quite popular with the world, but where I lived was remote!! So I couldn't get any reliable news.


After a while, I finally found out how a Duel Disk works, and I got too use one for free! Although it was owned by the company, so I had to return it at the end of the day.


For the next 3 days, I trained like crazy, which than lands me here on my fourth day of training, where I met this guy who had the same deck as me. The Six Samurai.





[spoiler=Chapter 1 - Time to Duel!!]


My name is Akira Runner, I was originally from the White Mountain Tribe, where me and my friends played Duel Monsters. But my family, and I had to move to a city called Tronic City. When I started dueling there, man it was rough, but worth it, since the next biggest tournament were being held there, the “New World Tournament” or NWC, which is being hosted by Kaiba Corp, the same company who hosted the Battle City Tournament. With all this going on, I had no choice but to enter!! But when I tried to register, there was no opening slots, but I was approached by a man who happened to be in the final rounds of the Battle City Tournament. Now I was skeptic at first, but he told me that there’s a little “Underground” tournament being held 5 days from now, where the winner will be giving a slot for the NWC.


So I trained my deck like crazy for the last three days, but on my fourth day, I met a man who happened to have the same deck as me. The Six Samurai.


“Hey there young man.” said a stranger.


“I’m only 15 for Christ sakes!” I replied, still not knowing who it was, so I turned around to see who it was, but I was shock to see who it was.




“Yes, it is I, your Father”


“You gotta lay off the cheap movies…..But never mind that!! What are you doing here!?”


“Well your mother, and I know how much you love Duel Monsters, so we got a job here at Kaiba Corp in Tronic City. We were going to tell you, as a late Birth-Day present, but I can see that you know already.”


“Yeah! But…….hey, where’s mom? Doesn’t she work here too?”


“Yeah she does.”


“…….okay…….umm……” Well you know how that awkward silence can come at any moment, well this was it, so trying to make small talk here:


“So dad, what do you and mom do here?”


“Oh, well I’m actually the guy in charge of this place. Hehehe, you can say I can do whatever I want!”


“Hey new guy! Your lunch break is done is 15, and those bathrooms need to be clean!” said another of dad's co-worker.


“Yes, sir, right away sir!” was my dad’s reply, but you could see that sense of embarrassment.


“The guy in charge huh?” as I thought to myself.


“Please don’t tell me that mom has the same job as you.” I stressed.


“Oh, her, don’t worry, she has ‘Technical Maintaince”


“Really? I knew she was a techy person, but I never figured…..”


“Yeah, I was really surprised myself, but apparently, due to the over usage of these machines the kids use, your mom is really handy. But enough about her, what are you doing here?” He asked.


“Well I’m actually here to train for the New World Tourna………umm…..a really big tournament.”


“Oh, the New World Tournament, I’ve heard of it, but I thought that registration was closed.”


“Oh that……..well…..(great, how am I gonna tell him?)…well I got registered just in time…..hehehe….?”


"Speaking of which, do you know when it is? Because I haven't heard any date for it yet." He asked with great concern.


"Sorry Dad, I don't know. But could you excuss me, I'm trying to train here."


“Oh really? Well if you want, I can help you.”


“What!? I thought you didn’t know how to play dad?”


“I don’t, well I do, I’m just not good at it yet, but on our lunch breaks, the guys are usually playing, and it’s really boring during lunch (especially if you’re a married man, and you see the ‘Lovely Ladies!’ around here)”


“The lovely what? I didn’t catch that part”


“Oh nothing, c’mon, follow me” He said, and off we went.


“Well are you ready Akira?”


“Yeah, I’m ready.”


“Okay, then, I’ll start first.”


"Duel!" We both stated.


(Dad/4000LP. Akira/4000LP)


“I play the Ninja Hunter - S’ai (1800/1500), as long there’s another ‘Ninja’ monster on my side of the field with a different name, this card is treated as Battle ‘Ground’. Then I set two cards in the Set/Trap card zone, and end my turn.” (Dad/4000LP. Akira/4000LP)


(Okay, I just drew, and lets see what I got:

The Six Samurai - Irou x1 (1700/1200)


The Six Samurai - Yaichi x2 (1300/800)


Double-Edged Sword Technique x2 (Trap)


And Cunning of the Six Samurai. (Spell)


Nothing really good, since he has that 1800ATK monster……hmm….I'll just play Double-Edged Sword Technique, and Cunning of the Six Samurai.)


“I summon the Six Samurai Irou, and I set 2 cards face down. Your turn.”


(Dad/4000LP. Akira/4000LP)


“I draw, then I play Ninja Hunter - Lozen (1300/1000), just like S’ai, and any other ‘Ninja Hunter’ I can only use her effect if there’s another ‘Ninja’ monster on my side of the field with a different name, and her effect can negate 1 attack per turn. Then I activate the trap ‘The Blind Spot!!’ and it does…..well it’s a bit long, so read it for yourself:”


‘The Blind Spot!!



Switch of all your oponents monsters to Defense Position. For this turn, when one your "Ninja" monsters battle with a card in a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of that card, inflict the defference as battle damage to your opponent. If a "Ninja" monster you control battles a face down monster, destroy that monster immediately with this effect, without applying damage caculation.’


“So Irou is switched to Defense Mode, and I attack him with Ninja Hunter - S’ai! And then I’ll attack you directly with Lozen for 1300. I end my turn”


S’ai ATK 1800


Irou’s DEF1200


600 Points of Damage


Lozen ATK 1300


1900 Points of Damage to Akira


(Dad/4000LP. Akira/2100LP)


(Grrr….half my life are gone in one turn, man for a dad, he’s sure going full force) “I draw”

(My hand is

Swords of Revealing Light x1 (Spell)


The Six Samurai - Yaichi x1 (1300/800)


Double-Edged Sword Technique x1 (Trap)


And Cunning of the Six Samurai x1 (Spell)


Well my lucky day, I got Swords of Revealing light, good)


“I play ‘Swords of Revealing Light’ which protects me from your attacks for 3 turns. Then I summon Yaichi from my hand, and activate one of my face down cards, Double-Edged Sword Technique, which lets me special summon 2 Six Samurai monsters from my graveyard in Attack Mode, but then I destroy them at the end of my turn, then I take damage equal to both of their ATK. So I Special Summon Irou (1700/1200) from my Graveyard."


"Now I attack Ninja Hunter - Lozen with Irou, and end my turn."


Ninja Hunter - Lozen is sent to the Graveyard battle.


The Six Samurai - Irou is send to the Graveyard by card effect.


Irou’s ATK 1700


Lozen’s ATK 1300


400 Points of Damage to Dad.


Akira’s LP 2100


Irou’s ATK 1700


400 LP for Akira


(Dad/3600LP. Akira/400)


(Huh, I forget to activate Lozen's effect, and negate his attack, guess I'm still green around the ears)


“Well, well Akira, today’s not your day, because I play ‘Ninja Hunter - The Dreamer’ in Attack Mode (1000/300), and if the Field Card/Spell ‘The Battle Ground’ is on the field, The Dreamer ATK is increase by 1000, and he can now Attack twice this turn.”


“What!? Great!” I said in a very irritated voice, so my dad, being dad said.


“Wow, so this is what it’s like to be important”


"What!?", was my only response.


“Never mind, back to the game here, if you remember S’ai, he’s considered as the card ‘Battle Ground’, so The Dreamer can use his effect and attack……….*sigh* great. I end my turn…..”


“Huh? Wait dad, don’t go easy on me, take me on full force!”


“I would like too, but I completely forgotten your ’Swords of Revealing Light’, so I end.”


(Dad/3600LP. Akira/400LP)


“I draw”

(My hand is


Spirit of the Six Samurai x1 (500/500)


And Cunning of the Six Samurai x1

Wait! This card can be my ace!)


“I play ‘Spirit of the Six Samurai’ and he can be equip, or unequip to another Six Samurai once per turn, and when he does, the equipped monster gains 500ATK and DEF.”


“But you still won't be able to attack anyone though."


"That’s where your wrong dad, since I play ‘Cunning of the Six Samurai!'"


“This bad boy can switch any Six Samurai monster on my field to another Six Samurai monster in either of our Graveyards, and you know what that means. Irou, come back!”


“What! No way. Now if you equip Irou with Spirit of the Six Samurai, he’ll have more than enough ATK to destroy any of my monsters.”


“Bingo dad.”


The Six Samurai - Irou (2200/1700)


“Irou, destroy Ninja Hunter - S’ai, and negate his ‘Battle Ground’ effect! Oh, and dad, whenever I destroy one of your monsters by battle, while equipped with Spirit of the Six Samurai, I can draw 1 card for every monster I beat.


(My hand is


Remote Revenge x1 (Trap)


Think I’ll play it……)


“So I’ll play this little bad boy face down in the Spell/Trap Card Zone. Wait! What’s that monster!?”


Ninja of the Samurai - Dekku. (1350/350)


“Oh this guy, while if you remember, I played 2 face down cards during the beginning of my turn, and so I activated my Trap card, ‘Ambush’ where if one of my Ninja monsters are destroyed, and sent to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon 1 Ninja monster from my Graveyard, or Deck, and it happened to be this guy. Ninja of the Samurai - Dekku. Oh and one more thing Akira, he's treated as an 'Six Samurai'.”




“And his effect can only be activated if there’s another Ninja with different name on my field, and Dekku’s effect can destroy 1 Spell or Trap on the field, just like Yaichi, but Dekku can still attack this turn, but is switched to Defense Mode if I do use his effect, and can’t Attack the next turn as well.


What do you think Akira?”


“I, I lost………*sigh* I give up…” I said sadly, with my face down. “You win…..”


“Really? Well, I thought this was gonna take FOREVER!! But I guess I was wrong. But you did great Akira.”


“Yeah? Well not good enough, if my own dad beats me…..and your just being nice*sigh*”


*Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *A small crowd cheers in the background*


“Well that was like…..one of the best duels I seen!!” Said a little kid, maybe about 7 or 8.


“Yeah, that was pretty cool!! I can’t wait till I come back tomorrow!” Said another.


“Well it certainly was a fun duel, for an ‘Old Man.’” Said a Female Worker.


“Mom?” I turned up, and see my Mom, standing there with her jolly smile as always.


End - To Be Continued in Chapter 2





[spoiler=Chapter 2 - A Gift]


Chapter 2 - A Gift.


“Mom?” I turned around, and see my Mom, standing there with her jolly smile as always. But I was surprise to see her there. I mean, I just found out that she worked here too, which was pretty shocking, but I was REALLY shock to see her there, watching me duel.


“Steve, I know you like to play with kids, but I’ve never imagined you play a child’s card game.” Said my Mom, but you could obviously sense that tone of stress in her statement.


“Now, now honey, I’m still on lunch break……….and now it’s over, so I gotta run. Cya later!”


“What do you mean ‘Over’? You still got 10 minutes left.”


“10 minutes! Really? Man, when Akira, and I dueled, I had like 15 left, but I must be better at this than I thought!! Hahahaha!!!”


With that being said, I wasn’t sure if Dad was joking, or being rude.


“Well any who, I’m going back to work, and Steve, if you mess up again, it’s my butt that’ll take the blame. Again.”


“……..Ummm……bye Mom?”


“Oh! Akira, I completely forgotten about you, well I see you at dinner.”


(How could you forget about me?)


“Well now that’s out of the air. Akira, come here” Said my Dad.


So I went up to him and he gave me something in a little box.


“Well Akira, I think it may help your Six Samurai Deck.”


I opened it, and surprised at what was inside.


“Dad! Are you for real!?” was my only response.




“How, how did you get them?”


“Well despite my very low position job, I approached the guy in charge of this place, and told him about some of my ideas. He liked it, and so they were made into real cards”


“Well Dad, as much as I want to blow you off, and try these new cards, I’m gonna go. Bye!”


“Man……what a spoiled brat…….and here I was hoping he’ll give me a hug or something, but he’s 15, and this was expected. Well I better get to that bathroom and clean it.” *Whistles while walking off*


An Hour Later.


“Hey, do you wanna duel?” Said a Stranger, but by the sound of the voice it sounded like a girl.


So being curious young lad I am, I turned around, and accepted. But I was shocked, it was a little girl, maybe half my age!


“Um…..sorry little girl, but I don’t take on kids.” I said, being the tough macho guy I am, I walked off.


“I’m 15 for Christ Sakes!” She screamed, then walked off.


With that being said, I felt like a butt, and so I walked towards her, and tried to apologized. Well I had to buy her lunch, since she didn’t take it, but I didn’t have any money, so the next move was this:


“Dad! I need money”


Yeah, I’m asking my Dad, who’s a janitor at Tronic City’s largest Dueling center, asking for money, not the best way to pick a date. But back to the point here. “Jesse”, was her name, and I was pretty surprised about her; apparently each day after school, she comes here, and actually hosts duels. But on rare occasions, they actually ask her to be an Announcer to “Big Time” duels, since she pretty cool with the audience. So after finding this out I definitively wanted to duel her, especially after getting these new cool cards that my Dad gave me. But she said that she had to go now, so I was a little disappointed.


After spending the entire day at Kaiba Dome, but I didn‘t get a chance to use the “New“ cards my Dad gave me, and I still didn’t think I was ready for that “Underground Tournament” or whatever it’s called. But it was a Friday night, my parents are coming home, and I have to make dinner.


“Say, Dad. I got a question.” I said.


“Yeah? Fire away.” He replied, being the usual laidback father he was.


“Well it’s the new cards you gave me……”


“Yeah, what about them?”


“*sigh* Could you not talk about cards while at the dinner table?” Interrupted my Mother.


“Sorry Mom.” Was my reply.


After Dinner.


“Well Akira, what was it you wanted to ask me about the cards?” Asked my Dad.


“Well I tried using the cards you gave me, but it wouldn’t work on the Duel Disk.” I said.


“They don’t? Hmmm…….. Let me see…..”


A Few Minutes later.


After a few minutes of just staring at the cards, my Dad has finally called in my Mom, hopping that she could end “Our Confusion.”


“Hey Rachael” My Dad said, calling to my Mother “Could you come here for a sec?”


“Sure, what is it?” She asked.


“Well it’s these set of cards, there’re not working for a Duel Disk, so could you figure out what’s going on?”


“Well I can’t right now, since he have no way of accessing a Duel Disk, or anything else for that matter, so we’ll have to wait on that until tomorrow.” She said.


“Oh c’mon” Replied my Dad.


“Let me finish: Wait until tomorrow, and I’ll ask about it, and see what’s up with it.”


“Alright, thanks Mom.”


“Well, I’m going to bed.” Said my Dad.


*Phone Rings*


“I’ll get that.” He said “Hello? Oh hey! I’m surprised you called! How you been? Me? Oh I been good myself.”


Well after a while of trying to figure out the caller on Dad’s side of the phone. “Who is it?” I finally asked.


Wavering his hand to me to be quiet.


“Yeah, sure. No problem.” He said, while putting the phone of his shoulder. “Hey Akira, it’s for you.”


“For me? Huh, that’s surprising.” I said, since I still haven’t made any friends yet.


“Hello?” I asked.


“Yo Akira, it’s me.” Said the Voice.






“No way! How’d you find me?”


“Oh, well……where to start……”


“Try the beginning.” I said sarcastically.


“*Sigh* you were the only person who never laughed at my jokes.”


“Maybe because your jokes were never funny.”


“……..*Sigh* getting back to the point here. You remember how my parents kept talking about moving?”


“Yeah? You finally moved?”


“Yep. Starting to today, we’re officially moved into ‘Ocean Falls’!”






“Say, isn’t that an hour long trip from Tronic City using the Bullet Train?”


“Nope, sorry. You got the wrong city, you’re thinking about ‘Oceananic City,’”




“Yep. Oh sorry man, but I gotta go.”


“Later.” I said.


“Cya man.”


Rey Mist. I remember when we first knew how to duel before I moved to Tronic City, we were one of the few duelist around who the “Best”. He always dreamt about moving to a new place. He’s the same age as me, 15 years old. But he was really lazy, and it was rare to see him lift a finger, but some reason, he wasn’t fat, even though he didn’t really do anything that was outgoing like the rest of us.


Later That Night.


Well after most of the night awake, I’ve finally believe that I’m ready to enter that “Underground” Tournament, and now I’m finally gonna call it quits for the night.


The Next Day.


10:55 AM. My alarm clock read. “What!?” was my only expression, since this was my first time I woke up past 8:00 AM. And it’s been a very long time since that happened, and it doesn’t feel good, even on a Saturday morning. But serves me right for staying up so late.


So I walked out of my room, went into the living room. Since it was a Saturday, my parents are working, and the Kaiba Dome can be pretty hectic on these days. I know cause I’m talking from experience! But today was out of the ordinary, because what I found on the little coffee table that help decorated our home, was a Duel Disk! On it, was a note, and it read:


“Well Akira, I hope this reaches you sometime this morning, because when I got to work this morning, I was able to get your new cards up and running, and then send it back to the house. But the crazy thing was that the new cards wouldn’t work with any other Duel Disks, so I had to modify one of them, so that your cards could work with it. So try not to destroy, break, or worse-case scenario, lose it in your room.


Love, your Mother”


“No way Mom!” Was my only thought going through my head at the moment. But I didn’t care, since I just wanted to try out my new cards, and win the “Underground” Tournament!


To Be Continued in Chapter 3




[spoiler=Chapter 3 - On the Line]


Before I being, Thanks to Destined for Darkness for helping out, and for (making/ suggesting the cards in this chapter. Enjoy.)


Chapter 3 - On the line….


Now my parents were away at work, and my Mom gave me a Duel Disk. With that being said, I believe I was all set for the “Underground” Tournament, but my only problem was just knowing where the place was.


So I went to the Kaiba Dome, to see if anybody knew anything about the “Underground Tournament” but when I got there, I heard Jesse’s voice. But it was through a T.V.


“She must be hosting a match.” I thought to myself.


Out of curiosity, I decided to head for the duel that was being hosted by Jesse. When I got there, I wasn’t expecting so many people! But for some reason they were leaving, the match must be over now. I probably have a chance to talk to Jesse.



“Hey Jesse!” I said.


“Oh. Hey Akira.” She turned around, and replied.


And she look lovely, her blond hair wasn’t in a pony tail like yesterday, and it was kept out of her face because of her bandanna she wore. I was awestruck.


“H…..high.” was my only response.


“Yes, we already established that part. Why are your cheeks redder than normal?”


“uh….what!? Say again?” was my only reply.


Okay sure I was an Native American, but that doesn’t mean she can call me ‘Redder than Normal.’


“Well any who.” I said, trying to change the subject “What are you up to?”


“Me? Oh…uh…..well I just got done hosting a duel.”


“Yeah, I know, I just done watching you on T,V. So who was dueling?” I asked.


“Well I didn’t catch there names, but it was Elemental Heroes, against Destiny Heroes.”


“Really? Aren’t those the new cards that came a couple months ago?”


“Yeah, it’s the first time I’ve seen those cards pushed all the way to their limit.” She said. “Say, since we’re still on the subject, did you ever heard of the ‘Underground’ Tournament?” But in a low whispery voice.


“The Under-what?” Was my response. To be honest, I was surprised that she heard of the Tournament “What is it?”


“Well as a Duelist, I’m sure that you heard of it. The New World Tournament, or NWC if you may, is being held here in Tronic City, but from what I heard, the registration was closed early.”


“Yeah, I heard of the NWC, and the registration was closed because of too many entry’s.”


“Well from what I head, that’s a lie.”




“Yeah, the Kaiba Corp purposely closed the registration before anyone even had the chance to enter!” She exclaimed, while still keeping her voice a whisper.


“And……why would they do this?” I said, but as skeptic.


“Well I don’t know, but I figured that they would want only the strong Duelists only.”


“And how would they do that?” I asked in disbelief.


“Well this is just my theory, but I think the so called “Underground” Tournament is actually staged by Kaiba Corp.”


I really couldn’t believe her, since I just met her yesterday, but she is cute, so might as well dig up much dirt as I can.


“Alright then……So do you know where this ‘Underground’ Tournament is?” I asked.


“You serious!?” She said with a gasped, with a very red face, and with the surrounding people stopped, and see what was going.


“Uh…….Nothing here people! Move Along!” great, at this rate, I’ll never get anywhere!


“Okay ‘Jesse’ do you know where the Tournament is being held?”


“Well I think I know. But why? Do you actually plan on entering?”




“Are you sure?”


“Do I look like I’m sure?”


“Okay, okay, I’m just making sure.” Although by the looks of it, it looked like she didn’t want to tell me anything. “Okay, I’m only telling you this as a friend.” She started. But better yet! We’re “Friends”!?


“Now I was actually asked to be the Host for the New World Tournament. By Kaiba Corp themselves, and they said that the only people who can enter are people who pass their little ‘Test’. Which I think it’s the Underground Tournament. Now they also told me that not to tell anyone about their little ‘Test’.” After she said this, it looked like she would die from just telling me this.


“Okay…….but do you know where the Underground Tournament is at?”


She whispered something in my ear.


“…….I gotta go….” She said, and walked off.


Later that Night.


Well after all that, I arrived at a mysterious……well maybe “abandoned” is the right word. But anywho, here I am at an “abandoned” building, which I was told that the Underground Tournament is being held. Now I believe that Jesse gave me the right directions, since I seen other people walking in there as well. So she couldn’t be wrong. So I walk into the building, went down a couple of stairs, and walked a couple of hallways. A crazy maze of stairwells, and hallways! But luckily there were arrows pointing the way.


When I got through that little maze, I was amazed of what was at the end!


There were many people in this giant underground room! That would explain where the name came from, ‘Underground’ Tournament. Back to the point here. The room that we were in was something like a giant basement. It was round, and was supported by pillars that were in a circular fashion. Most likely the arena, since there were people already dueling. Which begs the question.


“Am I late!?!?!”


“Alright people!! Clear the arena!! Clear the Arena!! Time for this Tournament to begin!!”


*Crowd cheers wildly*


Although I couldn’t tell who’s talking, or where it’s coming from. I just had a feeling it was the announcer, and by the tone of his voice, he sounded pretty big, and pretty tough.


“Now before the Tournament starts, let tell you the purpose of it:


As you all know the New World Tournament, or NWC is coming, and coming soon, and the registration to enter was closed before anyone had the chance to enter. Now I don’t care how you got here, or how you heard of this tournament. But the point of this Tournament is to enter, I REPEAT. To ‘E-N-T-E-R’ the NWC.”


*Crowd Cheers Wildly*


Huh, I guess Jesse was right then.


“Now! The way you qualify for the NWC is simple. So I don’t wanna repeat myself. If you happened you win the entire tournament, with no loses you automatically qualify. Of course that wouldn’t be too much fun if it was just 1 person right? Well the you actually qualify is by the way you duel.”


*Crowd is quiet*


“What do you mean?” ask one of the members of the crowd.


“Well the way the tournament is set up is ‘Swiss Style.’ Meaning, you duel everyone in the tournament, and depending on how you duel, you’ll be qualified to enter the NWC. No more questions.”


Now, I wasn’t really sure how a ‘Swiss Style’ tournament went, but I didn’t mind though. To my surprise however, were the contestants, I was expecting only men in their 20s on up, but there were also ladies in the crowd, and kids who were about my age as well! So there wasn’t much anarchy, but there were fight fist fights though, people of all ages were joining the fights. Even the ladies!”


“Now before we begin our first match.” Said another guy. Who seemed like a judge, or something. “Due to the many participants, we weren’t expecting many people, so to solve this problem, our first couple of matches………” He said, building up the tension that was in air.


“Our first couple of matches, will be ‘Team Duels.’” he said, while still keeping his cool.


*Crowd cheers wildly again*


“Our first Team Match, is consisted of Reign Aguira, age 17 , and Steve Autre, age 19, on the Blue Team!” Said the first announcer “And Akira Runner, and Heero Tanaka on the Red Team. Both age 15!!” He shouted.


*Crowd Cheers even more violently*



“Okay Ladies! This is how the turn structure works, so if you haven’t Team Duel before, listen up!” Said the Announcer.


“Heero is it?” Akira said. “Is this your first Team Duel?”


“No, I’ve my share fair of experiences, but if your new, listen up.” He replied, his voice almost as fired up like his eyes.


“The Life Points will be shared, and any player can only attack your selected opponent. Meaning you can’t switch opponents mid-duel, but if you teammate is being attacked by an opponent you can‘t attack, you can use one of your cards to stop that attack.”


“As example” he went on saying. “Akira can only attack Reign, and Steve, can only attack Heero, but you can’t switch how you can attack. Now if Heero were to attack Steve, his partner, Reign, can stop the impending attack.”


“As for the turn structure, it’ll play out like this: Reign will go first, then Heero, followed up by Steve, and lastly Akira. One more thing, no one can attack untill the last player, or in this case, Akira’s turn ends. That’s when you can attack. Begin!” He finished he last statement.


“Duel!” Everyone said.


“Alright then, I play Purity Angel - Nekko (1900/000), when I normal summon this card, I can normal summon one more time. But at the end of the turn, if I use this effect, this card must be destroyed. So I normal summon Purity Angel - Oni (1300/000), and his effect deals 200 points of damage to Heero, times the number of Purity Angel’s that are in my graveyard. But I can only activate his effect during your Stand-by Phase. I end” Reign Said.


Purity Angel - Nekko is sent to the graveyard.


“Hehehe…..pretty good, but now I draw!” Heero said. But you could already tell his soul was way into the duel.


“I play the Field Card ‘Molten Destruction’ where every Fire type monster on the field gains 500ATK, but their DEF gets cut by 500, and I play the monster ‘UFO Turtle’ (1400/1200------>1900/800) . Don’t let his weirdness get to you though. I end my turn.”


Purity Angel - Oni’s effect - 200x1


Red Team’s LP - 4000


Red Team’s LP 3800.


“Finally my turn.” Said Steve, who sounded like he was anxious.


“I play Dark Knight - Darc (1500/1500), all he does is whenever he’s sent to the graveyard by any means, he destroy 1 Monster on the field. Your move Akira”


“I draw” I said.


( My hand is


Double-Edged Sword Technique x1 (Trap)


The Six Samurai - Irou x1 (1700/1200)


Spirit Barrier x1 (Trap)


Grandmaster of the Six Samurai x1 (2100/800)


Chamberlain of the Six Samurai x1 (200/2000)




The Six Samurai - Nisashi x1 (1400/700)


Hehehe…..not a bad hand. I'll Spirit Barrier, which well let me keep my Life Points from an attack as there's an monster on my field, and to keep it reinforced, I'll set Double-Edged Sword Technique)


I set down 2 cards in the Spell/Trap Card Zones, and play 1 face down card in Defense Mode. I end” I said.


“Hope you got something good under there Akira!” Said Heero.


(Blue Team/4000LP. Red Team/3800LP)


“Draw.” said Reign.


“I play ‘A Fairy’s Sanctuary’ it’s a Field Spell, so Heero, your Molten Destruction is send to the Graveyard, and every ‘Purity Angel’ monster gains 2000DEF. So I switch Angel Purity - Oni to Defense Mode (1300/0000----->1300/2000) , then I play Purity Angel - Mercury! (1000/1000------>1000/3000) and when Mercury is on the field, he’s automatically switched to Defense Mode. Your move Heero.”


Purity Angel - Oni’s effect - 200x1


Red Team’s LP - 4000


Red Team’s LP 3600LP


“Hehehe……is that all you got!? I Draw!” Exclaimed Heero. “I play Volcanic Rocket (1900/1400), Well I can’t do anything right now except for this face down card I play. I end my turn.”


“I play Dark Knight - Pumpkin King (2000/2000) in Attack Mode, and he’s a normal monster, so he doesn’t do much. But I attack your face down Akira.” He said.


“Not so fast!” Interrupted Heero. “Cuz I activate the Trap, ‘Magic Cylinder’ and he can negate 1 of your attacks, and you take damage equal to the attacking monster!”


“Grrr……fine, I play this face down, and end my turn.” Said an irritated Steve.


Dark Knight - Pumpkin King’s ATK 2000


Blue Team’s LP 4000


Blue Team’s LP 2000.


“Hehe, that was close” I said.


(My hand is


The Six Samurai - Irou x1 (1700/1200)


Grandmaster of the Six Samurai x1 (2100/800)


The Six Samurai - Nisashi x1 (1400/700)


And Swords of Revealing Light x1 (Spell)


No real good cards here…..hm……)


“I play The Six Samurai - Nisashi (1400/700) if there another Six Samurai monster on my field, with a different name, I can attack twice with this card.”


“Well good luck with that.” Sneered my opponent.


“So I flip up my Defense Position card, and I reveal ‘Chamberlain of the Six Samurai’ and with the name ‘Six Samurai’ I can use Nisashi’s effect, but I’m done yet, because I Special Summon Grandmaster of the Six Samurai (2100/900) from hand. So now I attack your Pumpkin Knight with Grandmaster-”


“But I play my Trap, ‘Threating Roar!’ so you can’t declare an attack this turn.” My opponent said, while interrupting my turn.


“End….” I said.


(Blue Team/2000LP. Red Team/3600LP)


“Alright then, I draw” Said Reign “……Hehehe……..I think I just drew the card that can end the game.”


“What!? No way, it can’t be that early!” There's no way he can do it.


“By sacrificing any amount of ‘Purity Angel’ Monsters, I can Special Summon ‘Purity Angel - Divine Goddess’(1000/2000----->1000/4000) ! Now our Life Points increase by 500x the number of ‘Purity Angel’ Monsters that were used for the tribute, and since I used 2, we gain 1000LP! Now we also gain additional 200x the number of ‘Purity Angel’ Monsters that are in my Graveyard. I end.” He said, with a satisfied look.


Blue Team’s LP 2000


Purity Angel - Divine Goddess’s Effect 1000 LP


Purity Angel - Divine Goddess’s Effect 200LP


Blue Team’s LP 4200


“Hehehe……that’s gonna be tough to beat!” Heero said sarcastically said “Because I play my Spell card ‘Blaze Accelerator’, and I can send my 1 Pyro-Type Monster with 500ATK or less from my hand, to the Graveyard, to destroy your monster. So I send Volcanic Scattershot from my to the Graveyar-”


“Not so fast lava-boy, because I activate ‘Divine Wrath’ to negate your monster’s effect.” Replied Steve, whom I completely forgotten.


“Hehehe, well it looks like you got me, got nothing else to play. So I end.”


“About time.” Said Steve “Well I play ‘Dark Night - Light’ (1800/1800) all he does is that he attacks twice, and is also treated as a ‘Light’ Monster. Then I’ll play ‘Lighting Vortex, where I discard my last card, to destroy every monster you control Akira. Say ‘Bye-Bye’ to your Samurai’s, then I’ll play Heavy Storm-”


“Not so fast!” I yelled, “I activate my trap, Double-Edged Sword Technique, which lets me summon 2 Six Samurai monsters from my graveyard.” This should atleast buy us one more turn.


To Be Continued In Chapter 4.



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Your Username: Destined for Darkness

Character Name: Tanaka, Heero

Age: 15

Race: Japanese

Bio: A straight forward person, Heero tells things as it is. He's a tremendous duelist, but is a bit reckless, and lets his emotions get in his way. However, it's with his fiery emotions that give him hope, and faith in his deck, when he needs it most.

Main Deck: Third Degree Burn.

Signature Card: Volcanic Doomfire

The Deck List:

[spoiler= Third Degree Burn]

Solar Flare Dragon

Solar Flare Dragon

UFO Turtle

UFO Turtle

UFO Turtle

Volcanic Blaster

Volcanic Blaster

Volcanic Blaster

Volcanic Counter

Volcanic Counter

Volcanic Counter

Volcanic Doomfire

Volcanic Hammerer

Volcanic Hammerer

Volcanic Rocket

Volcanic Rocket

Volcanic Scattershot

Volcanic Scattershot

Volcanic Scattershot

Volcanic Slicer

Volcanic Slicer

Volcanic Slicer

Blaze Accelerator

Blaze Accelerator

Blaze Accelerator



Fire Whip

Heavy Storm

Molten Destruction

Molten Destruction

Tri-Blaze Accelerator

Tri-Blaze Accelerator

Tri-Blaze Accelerator


Magic Cylinder

Mirror Force

Spiritual Fire Art - Kurenai

Volcanic Armor

Volcanic Force

Volcanic Mine

Volcanic Recharge


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well to those 234 viewers who have been waiting anxiously, and the millions watching at home! I'm proud to say that the 4th chapter is comming. And comming soon! So just wait a little longer.


Also, I've just beaten Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. So those who love the series, and have not yet played it........


I don't care who you are, or how old you are! Beg your parents/guardians, or whoever you live with! And BEG THEM FOR IT!!!!! It's that worth it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

*Sniff* *Sniff* Well I regret to infrom those 270 viewers who made this possible thread possible. But the fourth chapter has been delayed. Manly because I'm making this up as I go along, and right now, I really don't have a clue as to what should go next. This goes for the same for the feature chapters. Apologizes.


This is why I wanted to make this an group project. It's so hard to do things by yourself here.


Again, Apologizes.

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