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Longest Duel

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Well post your longest duels.

Mine is when 2 of my friends ,University222 and another friend came to sleep over at like 00:00am we dueled for like 3hours I lost but not before pulling some wicked combos and geting down 3000 points that turn and then my friend who lost dueled me and I lost.

So post your longest duel

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When I ran my unhappy girl deck, my matches only went to the first duel. We have a forty minute time-limit, the funniest part was people complained I was playing too slowly. My turns took less than 10 seconds, their turns took a few minutes. One guy actually sat for ten minutes thinking of a way through her. After that, he put his hand on top of his deck "I give up".

But my longest duel went on for 2.5 hours, my dark scorpions versus a friends Dark Magician deck. Good times

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how can dules go on soo long the longest ive had was like half an hour it lasted my ful lunchbreak in school


but it was aewsome best duel i ever had i got uria out and the shinxes


ok i kno you will be like nooob


but still it was a fun duel and i dont even have that deck anymore

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3 vs. 3. About 2 hours.


As for 1 vs. 1. HORUS and I dueled for about an hour once. He had his S/T Zone filled with a bunch of Continuous Spells and Traps and couldn't do anything. I couldn't either because of his Continuous Cards. He decked out eventually. This was when we were n00bs and dueled with like, 60-70 card decks. Remember that duel HORUS? ;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

It was something around about 4 hours... and then i chucked a fit cause i lost, and i threatened to rip up my brothers Dark Magician... but that was around 4 years ago, and now i only play online


Plus im more mature now... so im a lot better as well, my duels usually go for at least 30 minutes

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