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Dust Tornado's Big Bro (Big Tornado of the Wastelands)

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It's a slower MST that allows your opponent to set another. But then again, if you are destroying one of their set cards, wouldn't they have already set everything they wanted that turn? Unless they had something else in store, they wouldn't just set a bad card at that time down, unless they had already set what they wanted to that turn. You got to be smart with this card.


And the fact that when it is destroyed when set means I have bluffed and/or get to destroy something of theres (most likely, a monster).


I like this card already.

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trunade is really a different example.


when you play a spell, it's on the field is it not? mst and heavy storm wouldnt destroy themselves because being sent to the graveyard is part of their resolution, as with most normal spells. but can you not target your mst with mst, regardless of if the effect succeeds?

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According to WC05 (lolWhocaresabout05?) Heavy Storm destroys itself when activated.

Hey, I had to play Wc06 for most of the time when I also had Wc09.


Srsly, they had more of the older cards that I wanted to use.

Like more level 5 and lower fusions with different types+attributes.


Pragtical, for example, would have made Juraks more playable.

And now that I have Wc10, and it has Pragtical, Flower Wolf, Kaminari Attack, and a bunch of other older cards, current decks became more fun :3

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so this /can/ target itself, right? so they play heavy, you chain this, targeting itself. it resolves first, allowing you to set a card, which then gets destroyed by heavy, so you can nuke one of their cards. thats actually a +0, assuming no other cards were hit by heavy. technically, you could just chain it, targeting the heavy, destroying it (not negating it, obviously), allowing you to do the same thing (if they set a card, or if it was your heavy).


not terribad, but it requires an unfortunate loss of another st. unless you use it on your opponent, but eh.


is there a deck this works better with? stuff like emergency provisions or that kozaki st that likes to be destroyed while facedown? theres a few of those, really...

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Hey, a card from 5D's season 1. What took so long?


It's a slower MST that allows your opponent to set another. But then again' date=' if you are destroying one of their set cards, wouldn't they have already set everything they wanted that turn? Unless they had something else in store, they wouldn't just set a bad card at that time down, unless they had already set what they wanted to that turn. You got to be smart with this card.


And the fact that when it is destroyed when set means I have bluffed and/or get to destroy something of theres (most likely, a monster).


I like this card already.



If you destroy an opponent's card during your turn, if they set a card they can't activate it that turn, making it a target.


I still think this card is better than Security Orb; enemy Controller can doc changes of position, this actually does something useful.

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