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IRL Playing Style

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Lots of people at my lolocals have question why i play the way i do, mainly because i set my field up back words. like u see in this playmat:





I also set my deck side ways and ive always found it good to carry a spare sheet of paper and a pen to write down my opponent's hand when i use dustshoot or cards like it that lets me see their hand.


So discuss your specific playing style.

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I play the same way Father Wolf does. With the deck bieng on the opposite side <3


ive always found it good to carry a spare sheet of paper and a pen to write down my opponent's hand when i use dustshoot or cards like it that lets me see their hand.

Thats so mean <3

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you only place your deck sideways so that its harder for your opponent to get a glims at what you drew(also coz its easier to cheat with cards that have pics on the back.) . thats the same reason i set my spell and traps upside down, coz its harder to see my back cards. and finally i never seem to hold the cards in my hand anymore their normally facedown on the table. which is funny coz i also notice that people have run into my gorz more times when i just keep the cards in my hand on the table facedown.

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Guest PikaPerson01



Deck = Normal. Grave = Normal. Field = Never ever used a deck that ran a field, ever. RFG = Cleavage. Extra Deck = The deck box (which is actually a camera case) that's clipped on my belt.


That's how I usually play. Subtle changes if space is limited.

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I play normal, but I always have at least a can of Dr.Pepper with me.


It helps me duel better.


And it keeps the voices away from telling me how to win!




Also, since I'm cheap I don't play with mats, though I suppose I could just make one by printing out the picture of Bridget in the comic strip that use to be in my siggy Liru in her bathing suit *gets shot by friend* a LOLcat picture or the mascot of /b/.

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Deck = Normal. Grave = Normal. Field = Never ever used a deck that ran a field' date=' ever. [b']RFG = Cleavage[/b]. Extra Deck = The deck box (which is actually a camera case) that's clipped on my belt.


That's how I usually play. Subtle changes if space is limited.



why have i now got a image of you, doing some wired pose with the caption "look, no hands"

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I usually think it's lame when people use mats. I understand it's aesthetic, but why an original mat? I'm usually the one keeping track of both of our Life Points, as most of the people I play with are lazy or not good with numbers (except for one kid). And I don't use pen and paper or a calculator, I use my head (keepin' it real). My RFP cards go right next to my Deck or Graveyard, and I'm right-handed. My deck is positioned so when I draw, the top of the card is what I grab, and I place it upright in my other hand.


...Still trying to figure out how to configure my duel disk. If I was 6 years younger I would just cut a shape out of the cardboard and refine it, but I'm not that loose-minded these days. I have to figure out how everything will work, especially the hub part.

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ive always found it good to carry a spare sheet of paper and a pen to write down my opponent's hand when i use dustshoot or cards like it that lets me see their hand.


Isn't that illegal now to write down your opponents cards after dustshoot?

This. You're not allowed to do this anymore.




Deck = Normal. Grave = Normal. Field = Never ever used a deck that ran a field' date=' ever. [b']RFG = Cleavage[/b]. Extra Deck = The deck box (which is actually a camera case) that's clipped on my belt.


That's how I usually play. Subtle changes if space is limited.



why have i now got a image of you, doing some wired pose with the caption "look, no hands"

Because that's the sort of thing you do.



My deck is sideways and placed in my graveyard zone. My grave is below my deck (i.e. closer to me) also sideways with RFG zone even closer to me, also sideways. When I look through my grave I fan it out very quickly so every card is visible, when I draw at start of game I pick up roughly 6 cards and fan them out before adding to hand, when I draw I put the top card of the deck face down on the mat before adding it to my hand in case miscomunication caused me to think my turn had started or if some silly person tries to play drop off. I almost never play dustshoot as soon as my opponent draws. Much better to make them waste an MST or storm and get 2 for 1 tradeoff.

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Deck = Normal. Grave = Normal. Field = Never ever used a deck that ran a field' date=' ever. RFG = Cleavage. Extra Deck = The deck box (which is actually a camera case) that's clipped on my belt.


That's how I usually play. Subtle changes if space is limited.


I request permission to view your RFP cards, most respected duelist.

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RFG = Cleavage.

Please tell me you're a female.


Anyway' date=' I play the standard way. But is there a rule of how your field needs to be set up? If not, I'd love to play with a mat like this.

[spoiler=Made by me on Paint in about 5 minutes. I just eyeballed where everything should be so don't complain that some places aren't properly lined up.']2mdgvba.jpg


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