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Theres a Synchron for Internet Explorer

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Don't get your hopes up yet if its name contain's Synchron it gunna be a tuner >.>

Its a non-Tuner.

Well then... we got instant Junk warrior' date=' Nitro warrior and Armoury Arm now


So it's a +0 lv. 4/5/6 Generic Synchro Summon?




7 as well if you count quick draw for instant BRD ... O___O FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-


The text saying it MUST be used for a Warrior IS NOT an effect. That's been said how many times?

ever hear of Skill drain boy.

Hurr Hurr Hurr :3

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Road/Hyper Synchron? There are worse things to run' date=' since it [i']is[/i] an instant synch.


Crappy card isn't crappy when the crappy part is negated.


Still, you have to effectively run them in a deck, meaning getting them in the grave before using Explorer.

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Road/Hyper Synchron? There are worse things to run' date=' since it [i']is[/i] an instant synch.


Crappy card isn't crappy when the crappy part is negated.


Still, you have to effectively run them in a deck, meaning getting them in the grave before using Explorer.


They Are Light Machines...they can find ways to get to the Grave

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@Kingdom Neos, thanks for the fail quote.



Crappy card isn't crappy when the crappy part is negated.

Still' date=' you have to effectively run them in a deck, meaning getting them in the grave before using Explorer.


They Are Light Machines...they can find ways to get to the Grave



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