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The Gangs all here [Solidarity]

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[spoiler=Original Image]SolidarityANPR-EN-R-UE.jpg


If you have only 1 original (printed) Type of monster in your Graveyard, face-up monsters you control with the same Type gain 800 ATK.


You know what to do, discuss.


I myself rarely ever use it, I might add it to my Tempest Burn deck as it's all Spellcasters...

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Dharc is there, she's just hiding in the corner. Cute picture.


Anyway, this has made making singular type decks fun to make recently


Designs for Charmers as well as Fortune Ladies seems to take the same girly personalities: Fire being the hotblooded one, Light being the happy carefree ditzy one... Earth being the intelligent meganeko...

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Don't like it. I really would rather run Burden of the Mighty' date=' because you can do so much more with it.



If your deck is pure of a type, Solidarity is your friend. Burden is more of a splashable version that doesn't make you limit your deck as much to a certain type.


A key card in my Machinas. Teching this with Plague is fun.

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Don't like it. I really would rather run Burden of the Mighty' date=' because you can do so much more with it.



however burden doesn't give you an 800 point boost to your damage with direct attacks, as well as making many level 4 monster be on par with a monarch's ATK strength.

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Dharc is a guy


I'll leave that up in the air. I've marked Dharc as being a reverse trap. Ambiguous art is ambiguous.


Also, i didn't really mean hiding hiding like "oh shi- girls holding hands in a circle! *shivers in corner*", just kinda small and hidden away from the group x.o; I see the little frustration bubble there :< Maybe Dharc doesn't like happy sunshine time and is just sulking away~

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But, OT: Solidarity and Burdan are very similar, but both have their own advantages and disadvatages.




  • Solid:
  • Constant 800 ATK, doesn't vary per monster
  • Amps up direct attacks too
  • Helps OTKs
  • Must run all of one type, or non-type must be easy to remove from grave.
  • Can be run in non-single type decks.
  • Combos with Wanghu
  • Helps anti-meta
  • When stacked, can cause cards such as Bottomless to lose targets
  • Doesn't "add ATK" on direct attacks

Maybe you just like the idea of Dharc being in the middle of an all charmer harem anime :3c


I don't really care, but Dharc doesn't look like a girl to me.

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....The artwork is missing Dhark. lawl


Solid Juraks

Solid Juraks seem pretty lulzy.


I would build it' date=' BUT MY COPY OF WC10 WONT GET HERE ALREADY! >:U



....The artwork is missing Dhark. lawl


Solid Juraks

Solid Juraks seem pretty lulzy.


I would build it' date=' BUT MY COPY OF WC10 WONT GET HERE ALREADY! >:U



It is Having LV 4 3000 ATK + Beater is always Funz


Having a lvl 2 or lower 3000+ Attack Beatstick is more fun.

I would say many of the enemy decks in game use this card, it is useful, but having high attack is more for casual than meta. The Akatsuki deck in game is a slap in the face of all decent blackwing duelists.



on another note...


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Dharc is still a guy to me :P, I know it means nothing, but on the Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh Wiki, look at this:


PSP用ソフト『TAG FORCE 4』ではこのモンスターのフィギュアが入手できるが、「男性モンスターフィギュア」と明記されている。


Google Translation:

It has a neutral appearance' date=' male.

PSP用ソフト『TAG FORCE 4』ではこのモンスターのフィギュアが入手できるが、「男性モンスターフィギュア」と明記されている。 『TAG FORCE 4』 PSP games are available to figure this monster in "Monster male figure" and stated that.[/quote']


Also, you can see Dharc in the lower left corner: I think Hiita and Raina buried him XD.


OT: Video Game wise I've only really used this with my Reptilianne, Dragon, and Psychic decks :P.

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I love this card. The boost can really hurt the opponent, especially if you use some form of swarm tactic. Not every deck can run it, but that just helps the decks that do run pure-type decks. Any form of single-type beatdown style decks should run this card or two. This is especially true if said deck doesn't run Synchros or different-type Synchros (A Dragon deck can run Stardust, etc with impunity).

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....The artwork is missing Dhark. lawl


Solid Juraks

Solid Juraks seem pretty lulzy.


I would build it' date=' BUT MY COPY OF WC10 WONT GET HERE ALREADY! >:U



....The artwork is missing Dhark. lawl


Solid Juraks

Solid Juraks seem pretty lulzy.


I would build it' date=' BUT MY COPY OF WC10 WONT GET HERE ALREADY! >:U



It is Having LV 4 3000 ATK + Beater is always Funz


Having a lvl 2 or lower 3000+ Attack Beatstick is more fun.

I would say many of the enemy decks in game use this card, it is useful, but having high attack is more for casual than meta. The Akatsuki deck in game is a slap in the face of all decent blackwing duelists.



on another note...



BW....has Great attacks that can grow Higher


Also Most of the PC opponent run Burden in 3 which really anoy me

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I know i've had a Dharc the Dark Charmer figurine in the game, but there's no real description of those figurines in game or anything (or i just don't know how to access them if there are), you just give them to others like any other random item that in the game to raise affinity to the other random players. Dunno if the japanese game had them or not.


Dharc could be male. If so, I want a charm school harem anime with Dharc being the uninterested male lead. lol

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