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BackBiter{4} VS L.D.Bomber{0}

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[align=center]I'll compete with anyone who want's to challenge me




Must make Dinosaur-Type monster or Insect-Type monster

Must be Level 5-8

Must be a DARK or Light monster


[spoiler=Rewards]Winner will win 15 points and 3 reps

Loser gets 5 points and 1 Rep


BackBiter's Card


Once per turn, while you control no other Insect-Type monsters you can Special Summon 1 FIRE Insect-Type monster in your Graveyard. That monster's effect is negated. This monster gains 600 ATK and DEF for every Insect monster you control. This card loses 300 ATK and DEF for every Machine-Type, Dragon-Type or Warrior-Type monsters your opponent controls. Once per turn, you can remove from play 2 Insect-Type monster in your hand to have this card attack twice. While this monster is in face-up Attack Position all Insect-Type monster that would be sent to the Graveyard are put face-up into your Deck instead. Shuffle your Deck.


L.D.Bomber's Card


This card cannot be destroyed by Battle.If there is at least 1 monster on your opponents side field, you can halve this card ATK to attack your opponent's Life Points directly.When this card does damage to your opponent's Life Points, randomly pick 1 card from your opponent's hand and send it to the Graveyard.During the End Phase when a turn a Spell or Trap Card is destroyed, by sending this card to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 "Young Triceratops LV7 from your hand or Deck.


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okay here is my card



Lore:This card cannot be destroyed by Battle.If there is at least 1 monster on your opponents side field, you can halve this card ATK to attack your opponent's Life Points directly.When this card does damage to your opponent's Life Points, randomly pick 1 card from your opponent's hand and send it to the Graveyard.During the End Phase when a turn a Spell or Trap Card is destroyed, by sending this card to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 "Young Triceratops LV7 from your hand or Deck.

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Ok...That Young Triceratops LV5 is a level 6...>.>


Based on balance and playability, I'll have to give my vote to BackBiter.


His card has a very stable effect, that works well with an insect deck, that also keeps it well balanced. However, bombers card is not bad either. The only thing that throws my vote, is the fact this card belongs to a LV set, and thus, should be posted together.


There ya are.

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Ok...That Young Triceratops LV5 is a level 6...>.>


Based on balance and playability' date=' I'll have to give my vote to BackBiter.


His card has a very stable effect, that works well with an insect deck, that also keeps it well balanced. However, bombers card is not bad either. The only thing that throws my vote, is the fact this card belongs to a LV set, and thus, should be posted together.


There ya are.


That's a good point,Biter let me post the other two lvls an have it count as one whole card against yours because it make no sense just to have one of them,and plus its still the all the same monster.

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both have some ocg errors' date=' this one has to go to BackBiter, because he didnt say lv 5, on a monster that has 6 stars



Point out the ocg errors in the two cards because for as I read there is no errors but there are different ways we could have phased it.

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Once per turn, while you control no other Insect-Type monsters you can Special Summon 1 FIRE Insect-Type monster in your Graveyard. That monster's effect is negated. This monster gains 600 ATK and DEF for every Insect-Type monster you control. This card loses 300 ATK and DEF for every Machine-Type, Dragon-Type or Warrior-Type monster your opponent controls. Once per turn, you can remove from play 2 Insect-Type monsters in your hand to have this card attack twice this turn. While this monster is in face-up Attack Position all Insect-Type monster that would be sent to the Graveyard are put face-up into your Deck instead. Shuffle your Deck.





This card cannot be destroyed by battle. If there is at least 1 monster on your opponent's side field, you can halve this card ATK to attack your opponent's Life Points directly.When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent's Life Points, randomly pick 1 card from your opponent's hand and send it to the Graveyard. During the End Phase when a turn a Spell or Trap Card is destroyed, by sending this card to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 "Young Triceratops LV7 from your hand or Deck.




there i pointed out ocg errors, inflicts battle damage is the same as does

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I vote for BackBiter.


It has the proper level for a monster that gains ATK, is a good source of Tribute/Synchro fodder (although its possible targets are only 4 monsters; I would like to know which FIRE Insect monster is this card supposed to support) and has a Deck-returning effect that sounds fun.


The Young Triceratops, on the other hand, is overpowered in my opinion: not only it has too much ATK for a monster invincible in battle, but it also has too much ATK for a monster that attacks directly (the standard for direct attackers is below 1000 ATK) AND it triggers an effect when it attacks directly' that's way too much for a single card. I bet the level 7 is even more overpowered than this one.

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