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Vocaloid's Thread- What Vocaloid is your favorite?

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On this thread discuss Vocaloids and anything you like, dislike, or even just want to flat out say about them. I love them all and think they are all good singers. Hear are some questions that you could answer if you would like to.

Who is your favorite vocaloid?

What is your favorite song done by that vacaloid?

I'm not sure if there is a post on this or not, but after seeing a new vid my friend made on youtube I have started to wander, do you think the Vocaloid's would make a good anime?

What do you think of the Vocaloid's?

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Honestly, they're already making an anime for Black Rock Shooter, which is somewhere related to Vocaloid. But that can at least hold up a decent plot since it's about fighting and what not.


But all I can imagine if there becomes a Vocaloid anime, is it becoming like Shugo Chara Party =\ If you don't know what that season of Shugo Chara is, you're lucky.


Though feel free to enlighten me with a good plot that could get Vocaloid as an anime going.

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Hatsune Miku' date=' as it shows from my sig.


I love her song Love is War and I also love the duet, Magnet.


But I'm debating whether this sort of discussion goes in music or stays here =\



I think it could go in either the anime or music to. Either is o.k. with me.

Miku seems to be the most popular with Luka.

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