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Life Lessons!


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Something me and 1 of my friends came up with. Here is how you do it. Simply name something in life and say something humorous about it.



Person 1:


Lesson 1: Tobacco companies

Uhhh... Oops?


Person 2:


Lesson 2: Paramore

Instead of a girl singing about relationships, it's a girl singing about FAILING relation ships. How refreshing.

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instead of something so simple' date=' cartooning now has to be as complicated as manga (chibis are easier)



I don't get it. Also, add "lesson 1:" before "cartooning".


ohh, well i didnt get the game anyway


Lol k.


Lesson 2: Red necks


Uneducated, morally deprived, inbred fools with anger problems. And when you confront them with this, their only come back is "at least I'm not black"? I can't tell if I am crying so hard that I am laughing or I am laughing so hard I am crying. Seems like both....

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lesson 3: Ramen


Awesome' date=' easy to make, but if you stir it too much, the flavor packet thing is useless


Like that?



Mmhm! Just try to make the lesson humorous! XD


Lesson 4: Romance


Love at first sight... You spend months together... Always thinking of each other... And one day, you get married. It is a moment of true happiness. But before you know it, you are fat, live in a trailer park, have 5 kids which you work 24.1 hours of the day to feed and have lost all interest in your partner. Ahhh.... Romance...

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Lesson 5: Poetry


An artistic form that represents creativity. Some male species use this to seduce/impress women... unfortunately with tragic results. Example: "Roses are red' date=' lemons are sour, open your legs and give me an hour." What a sad world isn't it?



LOL that was a good one!


Lesson 6: Cats


They meow and act cute when they think you'll adopt them, but when you take them home, they'll eat your hamster and ruin every pillow in your house.

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Lesson 7: Marriage

- Its like putting your hand into a bag of snakes in the hope of pulling out an eel.

- Leonardo Da Vinci


Lesson 8: The Government

- Never vote for the best candidate, vote for the one who will do the least harm.

- A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.

- Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.

This lesson has many parts to it, but here is my favorite 3.

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