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UltraViolent Championship Wrestling (UVCW) | The Most Hardcore E-Fed Around

Zack Blaze

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Welcome to the new era of UltraViolent Wrestling. This is UVCW! Here we will have the most Violent, Hardcore, Blood and Gore action any true Wrestling fan could want. So here's the deal.


[spoiler=The Deal]


I had to do that.


1 Weekly Show - UVCW Resistance


12 Pay-Per-Views (1 Per Month)


And 4 Titles in the UVCW


UVCW World Heavyweight Championship

UVCW Tag Team Championships

UVCW Television Championship

UVCW UltraViolent Championship


Sounds good? Alright.



[spoiler=Submit A Wrestler]


Name -

Hometown -

Age -

Height -

Weight -

Theme -

Weapon of Choice -

Appearence -


Signatures -

Finishers -


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Name - Leon Lonewolf
Hometown - Mineapolis,MN
Age - 21 (turns 22 this Thursday)
Height - 6'5
Weight - 285
Theme - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3WeneHthPk
Weapon of Choice - Kendo Stick or 2x4 wrapped w/ barbed wire
Signature: Chokeslam, Lionsault
Finisher: Liontamer, Wolven Assault (Modified Gogoplata), Lionheart (Last Ride Powerbomb)
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Name - Tyler Glenn

Hometown - Apatche Junction Arizona

Age - 24

Height - 6'10

Weight - 319lbs

Theme - Bring me Down, by Pillar

Weapon of Choice - Steel Steps

Appearence - Tyler stands thick and muscular, his skin is a reasonably pale white. it's covered in tatoos, including the names "Tyler II", "Grace", and "Briel" the names of his three children, a Skeleton of a woman on his left arm, this tatoo is complete with hair a midriff top, and jeans, showing only a bare ribcage and skull. his left leg is covered upto the knee by a flame tattoo, while his right features a cemetary.


Tyler's hair is a gray-black color that could best be described as "ash-like" He wears it cropped short. He has wide green eyes, his nose is small and crooked from a few previous breaks. his lips are thin and full of malice.


Tyler's in-ring attire consists of black and red trunks, short black boots with red laces and kickers, a black elbow pad on his right arm with a red stripe down the middle, and a pair of fingerless black gloves with Red knuckles.


Signatures - Repeating Powerbomb Pin. Big boot to the back of the head.


Finishers - Disc-splitter (He grabs the opponent in Electic Chair position, holds him by the wrists and drops to his knees, damaging the back)

Glennihalation (Lightning Spiral)

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Name - Aric "The Cross"
Hometown - Pacifica, San Francisco
Age - 25
Height - 6'3.5
Weight - 254
Theme -
Weapon of Choice -Anything including Barb Wire
Appearence - Buzzcut, black hair, muscular, wears a cross necklace, in entrance wears a shirt with a cross on the front with a flaming skull, blue eyes, has a cross tatoo on his back

Signatures - Crossed Dive(looks like a Double axe handle), Cross Elbow(a two arm elbow drop shaped like a cross)
Finishers - Cross Stretch(a submission hold that sidelines opponents, while the opponent is on their stomach I grab their legs in a cross and i put my arm around his neck and I pull), Cross DDT(a DDT, but I put my legs in a cross and fall backwards)
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Started the First Resistance.


Note: Each episode is only an hour long, so there will only be 3-4 matches per show.


Resistance - March 24, 2010

Leon Lonewolf takes on Donovan Tiffin
Tyler Glenn vs. Aric vs. Chris Paine [Hardcore Match] [Television Title]
10-Man UltraViolent Turmoil Match [uVCW World Heavyweight Championship]

All CAWs will be entered into the Turmoil Match

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Name - Prince Rafeki

Real Name: Ryan Wall

Hometown - Toronto, Canada

Age - 22

Height - 6'3"

Weight - 228 Lbs

Theme -

Weapon of Choice - Baseball Bat

Appearence - Short Black Hair, Purple Bandanna. Wears a pair of dark purple pants with a shot of red fire down the outside of both legs.


Signatures - Spear, Big Boot

Finishers - The Prince's Law (Knee to gut followed by Reverse Neckbreaker), The Prince's Power (The Last Ride), The Prince's Twist (Sharpshooter with knee to back)

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