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chairman ali

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In this thread http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-191808-page-2.html people accused the OP that he/she has ripped a line art and traced it. That's not called a rip. That's called tracing and it's rly fine tbh. Before accusing someone of something WHO PROVIDED A SCREENSHOT OF THE PSD I would really think.

Ripping is when taking an already made artwork and adding text to it and saying "Hey, that sheet is mine"


Now kthxbai. I hope this explained a bit. And if you have anything to ask about RIP CASES AND RIPPING then this should be an appropriate thread for it.

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Anyone who hotlinks art that is that in depth and seems to have a different personality on the other account is valid for being accused of ripping. Sorry' date=' I guess.


Even Kuro thought you ripped. 7.7



If kuro jumped off of a cliff and knew he was going to die a terrible death, would you do it?

No SO SHUT THE funk UP. No I will not shut up because this site is full of childish little funkers that think they're complete and they don't need to pick up any CORRECT information from others who are more experienced. Now do me a favor and keep out of my threads because you're making them fail with your logic.

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Anyone who hotlinks art that is that in depth and seems to have a different personality on the other account is valid for being accused of ripping. Sorry' date=' I guess.


Even Kuro thought you ripped. 7.7



If kuro jumped off of a cliff and knew he was going to die a terrible death, would you do it?

No SO SHUT THE f*** UP. No I will not shut up because this site is full of childish little f***ers that think they're complete and they don't need to pick up any CORRECT information from others who are more experienced. Now do me a favor and keep out of my threads because you're making them fail with your logic.


Pwnt to an extent that is unbelievable.

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