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Copy-pasta the url is the next "This topic contains"/"For the sake of today"


Mama like! ^ ^




If anyone uses this agenst me' date=' this is my exact reaction:


.......Except the table would have cards and such on it.


This is why I do not use my copy against you (beats your batteryman and instant synchro decks)

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Flip Summon.


Anyways' date=' I hate facing this with my Morphs. I'm stuck unless I can get Radion out and have it stay there. Even then, they have Celfon, Boarden and Remoten locked out.


Wouldn't you be able to set Boarden, and just watch as Tiger runs into it.


Burden shenanigans make this fun. Still, even with out Burden this is a fun card.

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Flip Summon.


Anyways' date=' I hate facing this with my Morphs. I'm stuck unless I can get Radion out and have it stay there. Even then, they have Celfon, Boarden and Remoten locked out.


Wouldn't you be able to set Boarden, and just watch as Tiger runs into it.


Everytime I'd seen it, it was accompanied by Rai-Oh, which can run over Boarden. :(

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