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Yugioh Monster Brawl! (No relation to SSBB)


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Good, it calmed down...

Time to send in an application.


Monster: Hayabusa Knight

Level: 3

Special Ability (if any): Can attack twice during the same Battle Phase.

Any weapons, powers or items mentioned in your name, card text or picture: Twin Swords, rapid attacks, supreme agility, ability to fly

ATK: 1000

DEF: 1000

Type (This actually matters as some obstacles can only be bypassed by specific types): Warrior

Attribute (Important for the same reason as Type): Earth



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*wakes up after being in a coma for about a 4 months (yeah thats my pathetic story)* Silently hopes that the fact that he was the first member will make people more inclined to recap him on what he missed. (4th wall goes biebie)



Anyways yeah, I was on hiatus from ycm, but the thing in the crater is back, can anyone tell me what I missed?

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tbh, and feel free to kill me for this, I was on WoW, a friend got me on, but lately I havent been playing as much, because I got cs5, which in turn got me back to ycm, and just now I remembered ymb and wanted back in. So yeah. Sorry :P


*hangs head in shame for obsessively playing wow and temporarily abandoning ycm*


so can I get a readers digest version on what happened on ymb while I was away?

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I give up, this thread had been to successful! X(. I got to page 15 :P. If there is any pressing plot points I should know, (Like who are the syndicate) please tell me


Anyways, As far as I can tell, my current plot point is as follows. I am in molten destruction, trying to destroy the fireproof change of heart on flame manipulator.

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