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Yugioh Monster Brawl! (No relation to SSBB)


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OOC: I hope you were talking about my charecter when you said "her"

IC: THERE TRAINING! well at least now I can take um all out in one quick blast. KAZEJIN! COMBINE YOUR DARK HOLE WITH MY TORNADOE RAGE! MAKE! RAGING BLACK HURRICANE! *Shoots huricane into dark hole, makng a giant black hurricane sucking in everything* Once your destroyed I can go back to my wealth, clothes, power, and a few other nice perks.

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OOC: Ok, I was just wondering. It could have been blowing me towards you becouse of Black Hole's, sucking power.


IC: Oh no, you won't get me that easely! "Slashes Kazejin's fist with my Scythe wounding his fist and damaging my scythe in the proses." Darn! My Scythe!

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"The winds start blowing me towards Kazejin." Heh, I thought this would happen. Now I shall finally finish your pet off!!! "And I pull a long but thin sword out of handle of my scythe and throw it towards Kazejin. Though to the wind sucking it towards Kazejin it gains more and more momentum turning it into a nearly unstoppeble projectile that peirces through Kazejin."

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OOC: OBJECTION! you cant do that, Kazejin is my guy, so thats godmodding and power playing

IC: Kazejin, catch it *Kazejin catches the sythe with his bare palm, then drops it to the ground* eheh heh, mabye I wont kill you, you can be my little servant, and mabye you'll go up to actually being worthfull, like Kazejin, except that me and Kazejin have a bond, where as you would just be my servant eheh heh heh, now wrath of the black dragon! *the huricane turns into a dragon and tries to swallow lex*

Wait a minute, KAZEJIN! *kazejin looks at me* Your hand, it must have cut deep, your hurt, *I jump on kazejins hand* I can help you, GO ENCHANTED JAVELIN! *I stab myself with it, and Kazejin gets healed* dont worry, it doesnt hurt, you okay now? *Kazejin nods*


OOC: the dragon is still attacking

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OOC: I thought that you turned the hurricane towards you. Oh whatever.


IC: "The Dragon grabs me with its mouth. I twist and turn to avoid it's fangs." You are quite the enoying dragon aren't you. Let's see if you still want to eat me! "I use my claws to stab the dragon in its tung and keep holding onto it, to prefend being swallowed."

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The fact that you hurt a friend of mine, and insulted him in the same minute, means your dead, unless of course, Kazejin, its your choice, should I kill him now? or make him my servant? *Kazejin shook his head, meaning he had choose the second* Ok ok, I can always heal you anyways, *sigh* ok, well then, I just gotta take him out, I'm sorry that I let you get hurt Kazejin, but now I'm avenging you, WIND TENTICAL SMASH! *4 whips of wind shoot out of my arms and legs, and try to smash you and hold you on the ground*

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OOC: Wheren't I still in the dragon? Oh well it's better in this way.


IC: Darn! I first giants, then hurricanes and dragons and now this! "Dodge-rolls from 2/4 of the tentacles and slashes through the last 2. I quickly run towards my scythe/sword in attempt to regain it."

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You forgot about my MP-L (nah, I'll change its name to "Luna" it sounds way better), that makes my immume for your all your Spells. "A blue glance apears from my back giving me a blue glow all over me." Now I accept your offer FM but I suggest that we change to something more Earthly like Scrap Dragon!

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OOC: Ok, we all got new powers from beating WoI and UM (who unfortunatly escaped). You can now load anything into your Buster Ranger.

I Leveled up into Dark Lucius LVL6.

We got a new ally called Frequency Magician (played by Inu), but you can call him FM.

And Wynn turned evil and now tries to enslave us.


That should be all.

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