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Stop it. Just stop it.


OT: It's a bad Hate Buster' date=' and Hate Buster is already bad to begin with.


The one nice thing about it is you can Tribute any monster, not just the attacked monster.


Nice pic, though, huh?


If my opponent Stardusts it, I'm out 2 cards instead of one. How is that better?


The pic is fine; but if a good pic meant a good card, then Rainbow Neos would be good.

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If this thing sent the monsters instead of Tributing one to destroy the other' date=' it's be good for anti-Stardust. As it is, no. Just, just no.



Even then, why use this, when you can just run Dimensional Prison? The only reason anyone would run this card is for the 1000 LP burn, which is not worth the -1.

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Stop it. Just stop it.


OT: It's a bad Hate Buster' date=' and Hate Buster is already bad to begin with.


The one nice thing about it is you can Tribute any monster, not just the attacked monster.


Nice pic, though, huh?


If my opponent Stardusts it, I'm out 2 cards instead of one. How is that better?


The pic is fine; but if a good pic meant a good card, then Rainbow Neos would be good.

My point is that if, say, my Brionac is attacked, I can Tribute my...um...Quillbolt (yes, I am coming up with random monsters). Not saying it's a good card...


The monster in the picture looks sort of like Doomkaiser Dragon, doesn't it?

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Guest PikaPerson01

By the time you get the urge to run Chaos Burst, you should already be running 3x Sakuretsu Armor, 3x Widespread Ruin, and 3x Dimensional Prison, 1x Mirror Force, and this is without factoring in deck specific cards.

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This barley rivals Widespread Ruin.

note: I just wanna reference Hate Buster again as being superior.








I like the fiend type' date=' and Hate Buster appeals to me. never said it was good...



Sorry, wasn't that your comment was bad, I was just making fun of something else.

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Stop it. Just stop it.


OT: It's a bad Hate Buster' date=' and Hate Buster is already bad to begin with.


The one nice thing about it is you can Tribute any monster, not just the attacked monster.


Nice pic, though, huh?


If my opponent Stardusts it, I'm out 2 cards instead of one. How is that better?


The pic is fine; but if a good pic meant a good card, then Rainbow Neos would be good.

My point is that if, say, my Brionac is attacked, I can Tribute my...um...Quillbolt (yes, I am coming up with random monsters). Not saying it's a good card...


The monster in the picture looks sort of like Doomkaiser Dragon, doesn't it?

If Brionac is attacking odds are you won't have this face down.


what if your tributing a token' date=' worth it then?


you lose token + -1

opponent loses monster + 1000 Lps


Odds are you could use the token for something better.


Out classed by so many cards it has lost it's funny.

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^^^even then, I would rather keep the token.


Magic Cilinders is better for burn, even so, Magic Cilinders is not used much. Sakuretsu is better for destruction, and Mirror Force is better than Sakuretsu at that.

This card wants to make all that work alone but the cost makes it outclassed even among the non-chainables.


If there were more monsters that could take advantage of the Tributing part. It would be okay.

I can think of Sangan, Dupe Frog, Treeborn Frog (Treeborn only makes up for the loss.. later, not really taking advantage much)

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I'm gonna give Cylinder some credit and say it's nearly the best Burn trap, excluding the banned Ring of Destruction and maybe some other cards I'm not thinking of. Chaos Burst should obviously not be used by most decks, maybe for a Burn deck, but they have much better cards to run than this.

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