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Yugioh GX - Your Generation - [U] Not started - Accepting via PM and thread


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Yugioh GX – Your Generation

This RP is for members of all experience, although, may not suit some.



You are new at the academy for duelling, this was once the grounds in which the famed Jaden Yuki and Zane Truesdale once battled. Now it’s your turn, take vice upon to your duel disk, the work of Yugioh awaits.




[spoiler=Card rules]

In this RP you can have your own cards that you created as long as they are moderately balanced


You may have one rare or one ultra rare with 3000 or below ATK and DEF points


Pop Culture cards are accepted as long as they aren’t from cartoons such as Family Guy and The Simpson, etc…




[spoiler=Life Point rules]

You may only activate one trap per two turns to negate a Life Point direct hit, I know this may seem unfair but to make things balanced.


Role with the punches: You have to be fair when you duel, not cockey nor arrogant, regardless of which dorm you are in.


[spoiler=Card Hall of Fame]

Hall of Famers for cards members have made








Best Monster: [spoiler if not in text]

Do you wish to use your own monsters?

Example of a card:

Deck: [Can add and deduct later]





[spoiler=Slifer Red]




[spoiler=Ra Yellow]




[spoiler=Obelisk Blue]

[spoiler=Nino - Tyson]

Name: Tyson

Age: 16





[spoiler=Best Monster:]




Do you wish to use your own monsters?: Yes

Example of a card: Seen above

Deck: Coming soon.








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