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Pokemon Runaway 2:Epilogue of War~~~Accepting/Started


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OoC:do you know what im going to carry on as Lucario as well because he still plays a big part in this.


Lucario and Riolu looked at the fissure with Cyndaquil and Monferno,

"ahh lava scary"Riolu said snuggling up to his father,"wait,you two are fire pokemon you can survive in lava clear it up for us and we'll investigate come if you wish but we-"Lucario stopped looking at Riolu,"I will definitely explore if you won't i have fought my good share of legendary pokemon!"

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Pichu came to the fissure with a wierd Pokemon Egg.


"I found it rolling into the lava." Pichu explained. Another earthquack happened. Then a huge Groundon coming out of the lava.

"Holy crap!" Riolu and Pichu said at the same time. Groundon jumped out of the lava and was falling on the friends.

"RUN!" Lucario yelled in panic. All the Pokemon moved out of the way. When Groundon landed the ground started moving and cracking. All the Pokemon, expect Lucario, ran for cover.

"Bring it on!" Lucario yelled. Lucario was going to battle Groundon.

"You're not fight without us!" Pichu yelled as all the other Pokemon lined up by Lucario. It was time for a battle.

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(Oi Pichu~ don play others pokemon if you don't have permission and wasn't Manaphy suppose to be in uhhh,,the sea)


Shinx follow as they went in, hearing what Lucario said he reply "Yea, Master(Glaceon) fought them too, so it's no problem!! but we gotta help the Bellsprout first!!!" Shinx went back out and got a long rope back. "Mr. Fox, can you tie me with this ? and Mr. Fire, throw me over there to the Bellsprout, ok ? After I got her, pull me back." Hiding behind the rock, he asked the 2 main fighters...

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OoC:Raymonds right Pichu please don't use my pokemon, Riolu is extremely young and therefore does not know the meaning of crap so please don't.


Lucario couldn't just stand there and watch his new friends do nothing to help the bellsprout. He leaped into the flaming lava and literally threw the bellsprout onto the solid floor.Then he went for Groudon but suddenly he felt the burning settle down as he realised Groudon was about to use a move not usually available in his move set:Magma Plume.


Groudon was sucking in the lava so the ground was visible thus Lucario attacked Groudon with Hyper Dig(a move from the great war) and delayed his Magma Plume."HELP PLEASE!!!" he shouted at his friends just staring at this battle scene.

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Monferno was surpised at how big Groudon is.After that,he tied Glaceon,and threw him to Bellsprout.After Glaceon got a hold of Bellsprout,Monferno pulled back both of them.When Groudon used Hyper Dig,he recognized that attack.Hey wait a sec,are you the Lucario I know??The one from the war???"Asked Monferno,shocked.

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Cyndaquil had been daydreaming, he didnt notice the groundon fighting lucario..

"hey you groundon!" cyndaquil got groundons attention, cyndaquil jumped forwards at groundon.. hm..smokescreen, flamethrower, agility or body slam.... quilava used agility and got to the back of groundon, then quilava hit groundon with body slam, not very harmfull..


Cyndaquil then used smokescreen,

"lets go whule he cant see!" cyndaquil called running out..

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Pichu jumped at Groundon with a Volt Takle. Then a hole opened where Bellsport was. Water came out and into the lava. Lucario, now swimming, was trying to catch Bellsprot. Kyogre jumped out of the hole and in the water. Groundon started attacking Kyorgre.

"THE UNDERGROUND IS GOING TO FLOOD, GUYS! WE GOTTA MOVE!" Pichu yelled to everyone while the legendary Pokemon fough. Water keep coming out. Bellsport was now saved. Lucario told everyone to exvatuite. Water was up to his ankle now.

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Cyndaquil saw water rushing through,

"ahh!" cyndaquil hurried to the downunder exit "water water!!im fire type!!ahh!"

Cyndaquil used agility to get out of te downunder and outside..

the battle has begun again... cyndaquil thought the great battle of the legendary's..

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Pichu was almost to the exit when she go got in a current!

"HELP ME!" Pichu yelled. The current was heading to the battle of the legendaries.

"HELP! CYNDAQUIL! HELP!" Pichu keep yelling.

"RAAAAAAAA!" the legendaries yelled in battle. Pichu tried to swin but was too weak.

"HELP!" Pichu yelled real loud before he went underwater. Pichu was no where to be found. She was under the water.

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OOC: Shinx here, not Glaceon lol, typo, weee~


Water came rushing in, luckily Shinx learn how to swim from 1 of his master's family, Vaporeon. Although he can't hold his breathe as long as a water pokemon can but he can still swim. "HELP!" is the last thing he heard before diving to swim to the exit, in the water, he saw Pichu drowing. Without delay he swim to her(Is Pichu a she or he ?). Since Shinx can't grab Pichu, he bite her tail and swim with her out of the water. Rising to the surface he call for help "Help me get Pichu out!!!" to anyone nearby.


OOC: any help ? *glug* *glug* swimming...*glug* lol

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cyndaquil heard cries of hlp frm the flooded downunder, i have to help..

Out of his special box cyndaquil pulled an item ouut, he held it with both hands and he started to glow, the stone dissapeared and cyndaquil was..ive evolved into quilava?! time to help


"im coming!" quilava cried diving into the water, uh-oh!im fire-type!i cant swim!

"help!" quilava grabbd onto a nearby doorframe, hangigon with all his strengh...the water was up to his neck!it was all up to monferno and lucario now...

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"What're you doing??You should't have done this..."Then,a Wartortle came for help.He throwed both Shinx and Quilava out of the water."Are you two ok?"Asked Monferno.Then Wartortle dissapreade of nowhere."Where has he gone to??"Thought Monferno,taking care of Shinx and Quilava.Then he asked:"Where is Pichu??"

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(Emmm...Quilava can't evolve with a Stone...It evolve at LV 14, so it's pretty quick, a stone not needed...)


"Thank you.." he said to his savior, when he come to his sense, he notice Pichu is gone... "Oh Crap!!! I lost Pichu!! Mr. Turtle!! She's drooping back deep down the water again!! Help quickly!!" he shout.


(Anyone here ?)

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Ooc:well it doesnt have to be perfect to the way the games are does it? look at thunder stone, ash couldve used it to evolve pikachu couldnt he..


IC:*cough**cough*"um...thanks...i lost my mind then, forgot i was fire-type.." quilava gurgled.."hey wheres pichu?!"

Quilava perked up and peered through the entrance of the downunder, it was massive down there, miles each way, pichu couldve been anywhere in there..

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IC(Lucario):Lucario felt the water gush out of the cave and in it foamy waves formed the figure of Kyogre but he still fought the legendary combo.But they both noticed him before themselves and both used their strongest moves to attack him.All Lucario could remember was seeing himself being carried away by the current and Riolu swimming vigorously to help save his father.

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"hey..um..shellos, could ya give me a lift?" quilava asked bravely, "i need to help those i care for!"

"anything for a fellow pokemon on a rescue misson!" shello's nodded "get on my back!"

"lets go!" quilava didnt care if he was hurt doing this, he would die for his friends, "hey look!its lucario and riolu!"

Quilava was in reach of riolu,

"hey riolu!grab my hand!" quilava insisted his head just above the water..

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OcO:Pichu is a girl, raymond5577


IC: Seeing everyone trying to help, Pichu tried to swim up. A blast by Groundon sent Pichu under the water. Pichu saw Shix, then Quilava, then Groundon STEPED ON PICHU! Pichu blacked out after being steped apon by Groundon.


"Is she awake?" a voice said as Pichu was coming to. Pichu awoke to see a Chikortia and Bayleef over her. Pichuwas in a cave with the two grass types.

"Wh- Where am I?" Pichu asked.

"Your in the Underground's Cave of Friends!" Chikorita said happly.

"It's a club that only we know about!" Bayleef said. Loud bangs could be heard from above.

"What the...." Pichu said.

"Two giant Pokemon started fighting yesterday and haven't stoped.


"You washed up here yesterday. We were worried that you got hit by the Pokemon." Bayleef said.

"I can't belive it. I saw my friends trying to help me. Then I looked up to see Groundon's foot coming down on me. Then nothing." Pichu told the Bayleef and Chikorita.

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OOC: Right Pichu~

OOC2: But but but...Pikachu can only evolve with a stone, not cyndaquil...well this is a RP so doesn't matter much~ wee~ Let's rock XD


Noticing what Quilava is doing, he jump on him and said "Follow that Fox!!" while pointing at him. Worrying about Pichu but there's nothing he can do but leave it to Wartotle. With Quilava, they went to rescue The Foxes (XD) "Mr. Flame, don't mind if I hitch a ride right ?"


OOC: This is turning to a Pokemon Rescue~ wee~ hehe, mystery dungeon XD, anyone play Soul Silver/Heart Gold ?

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"You're talking reminds me of Glaceon...those were the good times...anyways,let's go."Monferno was following Shinx and Quilava too.They arrived at a weird place,full with grass pokemon.Then,all pokemon saw the 3 of them.They shouted:"Fire pokemons!!!RUN!!"Monferno and the others were searching for Riolu,Lucario and Pichu.They started searching for those 3.

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OoC:I don't really care how the time passes it passes differently for each character as they go through their events.


Riolu had reached Lucario.He had swum with him for miles when he fell asleep.When he woke up he found himself being self-propelled through the water,lokking down he saw a mantine surrounded by lots of little mantykes caryying them.


Riolu had only been on the mantine railway once but it was for a short distance and he was asleep the whole time.

"'bout time you woke up!"he heard a low brisk voice say then he realised it was the Mantine.He was too scared to talk as the Mnatine carried them to the mainland, only then did he realise his father had not been awake for 22 hours!

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Quilava had chosen to follow riolu and lucario..they were being carried by mantine and mantykes, quilava lost grip of shello's as the water took him, he too with riolu and lucario was being carried to the mainland...

Quilava was having a knightmare about being dragged under wtaer and being drowned by kyogre,


(in knightmare)

"puny little fire pokemon!" kyogre laughed

"help! everyone!" quilava cried, his friendswere nowhere to be seen, all there was wsas kyogre, quilava and lots of water in every direction, no air to breath...

"where is everyone you wonder?they dont exist!" kyogre said (it sounded a bit insaane to quilava)

"ah!" quilava struggled for breath as he was carried to the pitch black abyss with kyogre...

(end of knightmare)-----------


"ahh!let go of me kyogre!let go!i cant breath!stop it!" quilava didnt realise he had woken up with his eyes closed, he was having a daymare(day knightmare)..

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