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Does my Radio work without Batteries? [Comparing AA + Radion]

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I've played both builds and they each have similar effects.


The only difference between the cards themselves is that radion is stronger.


Discuss which card is better in their respective decks.

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Batterymen really only have their OTK going for them.


Industrial Strength, Honest, good draw/search in Microcell. A field wiper. Their own Salvage. They can win pretty easily without "the OTK", it's just so easy to pull off that it ends up winning most of their duels.

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Batterymen really only have their OTK going for them.


Industrial Strength' date=' Honest, good draw/search in Microcell. A field wiper. Their own Salvage. They can win pretty easily without "the OTK", it's just so easy to pull off that it ends up winning most of their duels.



I've never seen anyone, not even the AIs on the World Championship games, win a duel using a Batteryman deck without using the OTK.

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Batterymen really only have their OTK going for them.


Industrial Strength' date=' Honest, good draw/search in Microcell. A field wiper. Their own Salvage. They can win pretty easily without "the OTK", it's just so easy to pull off that it ends up winning most of their duels.



I've never seen anyone, not even the AIs on the World Championship games, win a duel using a Batteryman deck without using the OTK.


If you haven't figured it out, the AIs are awful and can't run the Decks, which are also generally awful, right.

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Batterymen really only have their OTK going for them.


Industrial Strength' date=' Honest, good draw/search in Microcell. A field wiper. Their own Salvage. They can win pretty easily without "the OTK", it's just so easy to pull off that it ends up winning most of their duels.



I've never seen anyone, not even the AIs on the World Championship games, win a duel using a Batteryman deck without using the OTK.

I have never seen the AI in the World Championship games, win a duel using a Batteryman deck. End sentence.


I have some experience with Morphtronics in WC09, and no experience with Batterymen, but I'd say that Batterymen do require AA, since they don't have very many members, but Morphtronics don't require Radion - but only because there are so many Morphtronics.


I think most Morphtronic decks SHOULD run Radion, as it combos beautifully with Boomboxen, Boarden...and itself. Works nicely with Limiter Removal, too.

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^ That's exactly how it works well with Limiter Removal...

^^ Morphs didn't have a good amount of their important cards in WC09. >___>


They're both as effective as eachother. AA is used for the consistent OTK that Batterymen do, Radion allows for all Morphtronic OTKs. However, Batterymen are more focused on their OTKs, and Morphs don't need their OTKs to compete. Further, Radion can not be used with IRS unless you play the first one in Defense position. Still, AA is near-worthless unless you have other AAs out, and Radion's still a decent beater without that.


It's a draw.

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Batterymen really only have their OTK going for them.


Industrial Strength' date=' Honest, good draw/search in Microcell. A field wiper. Their own Salvage. They can win pretty easily without "the OTK", it's just so easy to pull off that it ends up winning most of their duels.



I've never seen anyone, not even the AIs on the World Championship games, win a duel using a Batteryman deck without using the OTK.


If you haven't figured it out, the AIs are awful and can't run the Decks, which are also generally awful, right.

It wasn't a computer deck. It was one I made. I was having it face off against another of my decks because I was bored.

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*Stupid Question Here*

Can Batteryman - AA count Batteryman - AAA as a Batteryman - AA?


It was written in different Kanji to specifically stop that in Japan, and the English version only looks for other copies of "Batteryman AA", not "Batteryman AA monsters".

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