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My team is basically exactly that sort of team, except geared for UU rather than OU.


And it's pretty awesome, I must say. Only a few Phazers in UU, and they are all pretty easily handled by any of my team. Leafeon, Dunsparce, and Typhlosion can all sweep excellently, Ambipom can sweep if it gets a couple boosts in but is also good for utility, Shedinja is just plain Shedinja - extremely useful when played correctly, and Dodrio can also nail an enemy brutally if it has to.


I know, I'm repeating pretty much exactly what I said last post, but it's true. And one Agility from dodrio, passed to any of my team, is enough to make them fast enough to contend with nearly anything in the tier.


Plus, once Dunsparce is able to get going, there is almost no stopping the damn thing.

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Zex, get unbanned soon. D:


I was thinking of making a standard mono-Dark team, but I don't have much to choose from.


If I want to make it UU, then Tyranitar is automatically out, and he is probably the best Dark-type in Standard (Darkrai beats his ass, though).


I have TTar and Absol as confirmed Pokemon. Absol would be an anti-lead with Sucker Punch and Pursuit, and TTar would be either Boah or Scarfed. I guess Weavile as a revenge killer, MixPedo for wall-breaking goodness... if I was really desperate, I could use WishPassing Umbreon. Honchkrow, Houndoom and Spiritomb are all good choices.


Okay, maybe I have more choices than I thought. I could go pure-offense with Spiritomb as my only wall.

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You'll need to run at least two of Spiritomb, Honchkrow and Darapion, being the three dark types that aren't weak to bug and fighting. Umbreon is pretty much unarguable considering no Dark Type capable of being a wall has effective recovery.

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Umbreon is awesome. And if you use it in concert with Spiritomb, it's even better.


That's like, the best way to completely counter Blissey, Snorlax, and Cresselia completely. I will go into greater detail if you need me to.


Anyhow, Absol lead, TTar for TTar, Houndoom as a Special Sweeper (Specs for max casualties, but his speed could get his fragile ass in trouble sometimes, so maybe Scarf, or neither if you wanna get cool and use Nasty Plot), Weavile as Revenge-killer / Starmie-stalker (I imagine TTar will set up Rocks, which Starmie can spin away, yup), Umbreon as a Baton Trapper / Wish Passer (it can do both at the same time), and Spiritomb as a Wall / Wall-Breaker.

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Fair enough. I could replace Houndoom with ScarfKrow to get mixed attacking goodness, or something.


And seeing as four of those Pogeymanz are UU, if I had to make a team for UU, what should I replace TTar and Umb with?

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Whoa whoa, when did Umbreon go OU? =o


Damn it. Now I can't use it on my UU team. Son of funking whore.


Anyway, you would need to replace TTar, Umbreon, and Weavile then for UU.


Drapion can cover for TTar as the physical Sweeper, and it has some similar options to TTar (like Pursuit, and attack-boosting). Cacturne is an option, as it can hide in the sand (unfortunately no Sand Stream D=), and has access to the nifty Sucker Punch, which can be painful when combined with Swords Dance. Then there's Sharpedo, who can pull of a great CB set, although he's very frail.



So in OU, Absol, TTar, Houndoom / Honchkrow, Weavile, Umbreon, Spiritomb.


In UU, Absol, Drapion, Houndoom, Cacturne, Sharpedo, Spiritomb.


Your UU one is going to be much more offensively minded and less about strategy or synergy, what with 3 Physical Sweepers, One pseudo-physical, and one Special Sweeper, but that can't really be helped if you're limiting yourself to UU Dark types, I suppose.

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Gah, TTar + Cacturne would have been epic. D':


And I forgot Weavile was OU. I never see him anymore, since there are other counters to 'Mence.


I've never really ran an almost-pure offensive team before. Should be fun. <3

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Name: Eury

Age: 16

Pokemon Games in your possession: Yellow, Gold, Crystal, Sapphire, Emerald, FR, Diamond, HG, Colosseum, Mystery Dungeon 1&2.

Preferred Tier: UU

Shoddy Battle Name: Eurynome

Friend Code: I'll get it later.

Favorite Pokemon: Absol.

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Before I leave to study' date=' I'd like to address something.




What the funk? Why is that thing not OU anymore? D:



Cause she's too sexy?


For a Salamence, is Hydro Pump an okay substitute for Flamethrower?


He knows Hydro atm, and I don't have any TM35s right now. I need to know before I decide to get rid of it and waste a bunch of time getting Flamethrower.

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Depends what set you are running. Usually you want Flamethrower for ultra-special coverage, since you can hit most things hard with EQ as opposed to the inaccurate Hydro Pump.


I honestly think Hydro Pump doesn't gain notable coverage, and should only be used on Spec sets. If you need a Flamethrower TM, just ask me. I have like OVER 900!!! of them on my Diamond. AR for the win?


And she's very sexy, yes. But without Soul Dew, she can't really do much in Ubers. And you don't know how many of my teams had either offensive or defensive CM Latias. And the teams that didn't were either UU, Little Cup, or had some obscure Trick Latias.

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I'm running a DDance set with Life Orb.


-Dragon Dance



-Hydro Pump/Flamethrower


Skarmory is a jabroni against this set. Whenever I cross one I have to switch to Electivire or Suicune. So, I might end up teaching him Flamethrower.

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Oh god. Make sure Flamethrower can 2HKO a Skarmory at bare minimum. Otherwise, upgrade to Fire Blast to ensure the OHKO. And don't forget to use Naughty, Lonely or Naive nature when running that.


And yeah, Skarmory is just an ass in general.








Sleep Talk Zapdos. Oh yeah. 8)

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He's Adamant, and I don't feel like breeding again for another one with a 3/25 chance of getting the right nature.


I'll probably teach him Fire Blast then, since it's stronger and a hell of a lot easier to obtain.

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Gah, Adamant with Fire Blast won't do anything for you. If you really have Adamant, you might as well gimmick a move. Run Brick Break or even Draco Meteor on that thing. No one expects Draco Meteor from a DD Mence, and even WITH Adamant, you can probably 2HKO most Physical walls (except Skarm) with Draco Meteor and +1 Outrage.

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That's one of the things I've always liked about the Mascot Legendaries, there's always been a big split between preferences. Even if I think Ho-Oh/Kyogre/Palkia/Zekrom is the best of the two, there's a bunch of people that think the total opposite.


Zekrom is fit.


@Dark: You, are a weird basdard. You don't like Tsuja or w/e he's called and you don't like Zekrom/Reshiram. What the hell is wrong with you? I despair for you Dark, I really do...

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I don't like their images. If their sprites look any different, I'll be joyous.


Also, what would the white thing be in terms of type? It's obvious that the black one is Dark-type, but I doubt Nintendo would add a Light-type. But if they do, I'd be ecstatic.


Otherwise, maybe they'd do a Ghost-type and Psychic-type? Even though that makes no sense whatsoever.

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Both are dragons, though.


If Zekrom is Dark/Dragon, I will jizz and demand that both are available in both games. Or at least Zekrom is available in Black through some event. Because my first username on YCM was DarkDragonX. lawl

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