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IV Mod is one of my most-used codes on my AR.


And it's not about trying hard. Unless you are willing to spend months trying to get a 31 ATK, 31 SpA and 31 Speed legendary (I don't know, Mixed Palkia), you will always have something not perfect and thus make you lose a battle or make you not outspeed some Base 100 Uber or make you miss a OHKO on Kyogre. And if you DO spend a month trying to get it, it sucks all the fun out of battling. My policy that as long as something could potentially be legit, go ahead and use it in battle. Because I don't care if people waste hours trying to get a good-IVd legend or hack one. It's a matter of time: how much time you have and how much you are willing to waste.


And it isn't putting work into it. Nor is using an AR being lazy. It's a lot more convenient (oh god, but sp?), and it makes the entire process faster. Not to mention that you can zip out new teams in a snap. That's why I like Shoddy so much; it takes the pressures of getting good-IVd and good-EVd Pokemon away, and you can sit, dick around making a team, and battle. You don't need to be all "OH MY GOD I HAVE 248 AND NOT 252 HP EVS OH NOOO!" And it makes the playing field fair, since many people don't want to waste months trying to IV something nice (unless they can RNG hack).


Mewtwo is being a dick to catch. I'm not as concerned about his nature (3 catch rate ftl), so I am just checking IVs. And so far, they have been horrible. And a serious kick in the balls was 31 SpA, 28 Speed IV Mewtwo... Adamant nature.


So now I'm just looking for Modest or Timid and I am hitting that save button ASAP.


Ending up getting a Timid nature on my 14th try (yes, I count), but the IVs are less than ideal. They aren't shit, though, but it's irony that I got a 31 IV in Attack... WITH A DAMN TIMID NATURE.


Mewtwo - Timid - 1 HP, Sleep - Pokeball - 13

7 / 31 / 23 / 20 / 20 / 23


Most of my legends bar Suicune and Zapdos hate having good HP IVs. <_<

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My response, Dark, is that you're being needlessly wordy when I already established my point - among myself and the people I battle on wifi, it's about having fun. And part of the fun is the work involved - and work alays requires time to use, yes. And legendaries ASIDE, man. Breeding for IVs is just as nice.


And when we DO use IV codes, we pick 2 stats to make 31s - the other 4 get decided via a randomizer, but are always permitted to be at least 20.


So you can argue that imperfect IVs will make you lose battles all you want, but when both parties are using imperfect IVs, it's more suspenseful, and in my opinion, fun. And I enjoy trying to catch something a million times until I get the desired IVs. It's part of the process.


So your IV obsession, much like your Pokeball obsession, is all a matter of personal taste. Perfect IVs are fine on Shoddy, but I prefer hand-reared IVs on wifi.


And it really doesn't take nearly as long as you exaggerate it to be.

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Your opinion is fine, but I don't believe (personally) that resetting for IVs is fun. It detracts from the experience of battling, tbqh. Which is why I hate people who say that hacking for IVs is immoral and they won't tolerate it. And yet they still use Shoddy. Shoddy is just a 4th gen game with an AR, although everything is legit. Eh, whatever. If it is your obsession, that is fine.


And when we DO use IV codes, we pick 2 stats to make 31s - the other 4 get decided via a randomizer, but are always permitted to be at least 20.


Usually I have 3 stats being 30 or 31, and the other three being random. Unless I need a specified Hidden Power type, in which case I'll use a calc to determine the other 3 or 4 IVs. I am not like some people who do 31/31/30/30/31/31 spreads, because that's not even remotely close to something you'd have access to in-game.


My Dratini (the ExtremeSpeed one) has 30 ATK IVs and between 27 and 30 Speed IVs. <3

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Yes, that's the sort of thing we do with our IVs. We do only 2 31's though, just in the interest of keeping it a little interesting. Occasionally, depending on the circumstance, we'll also say it's fine for a specified other IV (such as giving a Bronzong a 0 Spe IV), though this is often in the interest of Hidden Power Setups.

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Sometimes three IVs really helps, like when you have a Gyarados and you want a 31 DEF IV to take hits better after Intimidate.


Did anyone listen to the Smogcast? I was listening to it all of yesterday on YouTube. It actually makes me want to make an account on Smogon and start doing actual battles on Shoddy (not bullshit RandBats).

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The water one looks like a Snowman/Panda/Fish. It's strange-looking.


The Grass one looks like a Snake with legs, which is cool.


The Fire one is a freaking pig.


On the plus side, at least it doesn't look like my OriGen Starters weren't ripped off at all.

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I used a Micle Berry in battle. Someone laughed at me... until my Hydro Pump hit 8 times in a row.


It increases accuracy by 120%, so Hydro Pump has 80% accuracy (I think, it may be 85). That means after the boost (acheived by Sub), it would have a 96% accuracy, more than Air Slash. With Rain in effect and STAB, that is a 270 BP move with accuracy just barely under that of Surf.


Correct me if any of my calculations are wrong.


EDIT: Caught a Kyogre in my Sapphire. It took me seven tries to get a good nature, so as soon as I saw Modest, I took the leap and saved. WITHOUT CHECKING THE IVS. Nothing is horrible (like, SpA, SpD and Spe are all above 10 <_<), but the only actual notable IV is 29-31 for DEF. You can calculate the other IVs yourself, here are the stats:


Lowest possible IVs listed.


9 / 25 / 29 / 14 / 9 / 18


Modest Kyogre @ Level 45

149 / 95 / 99 / 160 / 135 / 94


Obviously the 160 is SpA. <_<


Took me only a few balls to catch, and it was at 14 HP and paralyzed. Not a horrible catch, but I really wished the IVs were better. But when I use my Master Ball on Rayquaza, I'm going for Adamant with 26+ IVs in ATK and Speed. I'll soft reset the hell out of my DS.


Natures for the three Regi's? I'm thinking Careful for Rock and Steel, and Calm for Ice. I'm not catching Latias because I can't SR for natures and I'm using my Master Ball on Rayray.


I hate GameFreak for giving Kyogre Calm Mind. With two Calm Minds, Kyogre could sweep my entire team with Ice Beam and Hydro Pump. Even Ludicolo falls to a +2 Ice Beam. D:

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I can't beleive I didn't notice you posted.


Anyhow, that's a pretty decent catch. Also, I've been toying around with it, and a Baton Pass team that revolves around Dunsparce is amazingly effective in UU.


I have Dodrio, Leafeon, Ambipom, and Shedinja as passers, Dunsparce as the obvious primary recipient, Leafeon also works as a recipient of its own, and Typhlosion is a secondary recipient.


Since 4 of the 6 Pokemon can pass, it makes revolving passes around so very easy, eventually settling on Dunsparce.


Dodosuke uses Agility and Accupressure to get some stats in (if it boosts SpA, Typhlosion is the more optimal choice). Dodo can go ahead and also pass to Leafeon, who can happily SD and start Leaf Blading, or pass it to Dunsparce. If your opponent is appropriate, Leaf can even pass to Sheddy, who can get ANOTHER SD in, and THEN pass to Dunny.


With all the Atk and Speed boosts, Dunny can start luckhaxing AND sweeping. If we get SpA, then the pass eventually settles on Typhlosion, preferably through Ataro.

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I can't beleive I didn't notice you posted.


Anyhow' date=' that's a pretty decent catch. Also, I've been toying around with it, and a Baton Pass team that revolves around Dunsparce is amazingly effective in UU.


I have Dodrio, Leafeon, Ambipom, and Shedinja as passers, Dunsparce as the obvious primary recipient, Leafeon also works as a recipient of its own, and Typhlosion is a secondary recipient.


Since 4 of the 6 Pokemon can pass, it makes revolving passes around so very easy, eventually settling on Dunsparce.


Dodosuke uses Agility and Accupressure to get some stats in (if it boosts SpA, Typhlosion is the more optimal choice). Dodo can go ahead and also pass to Leafeon, who can happily SD and start Leaf Blading, or pass it to Dunsparce. If your opponent is appropriate, Leaf can even pass to Sheddy, who can get ANOTHER SD in, and THEN pass to Dunny.


With all the Atk and Speed boosts, Dunny can start luckhaxing AND sweeping. If we get SpA, then the pass eventually settles on Typhlosion, preferably through Ataro.



Serene Grace Iron Head Dundun? <3


I tried a mock Baton Pass team (for the experience) that revolved around giving a 252 HP, 252 ATK Ramparados +6 DEF, +6 SpD, +6 Speed, +4 ATK, Sandstorm boost, and a Sub. It worked for a whole two battles, until I realized that any dumbass with Roar or Whirlwind will beat me easily. Which is why, to this day, I always have a PHazer to stop Baton Pass teams. But I'm totally susceptible (sp?) to Ingrain or Soundproof/Suction Cups or the likes of that. D:

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That's why a good Pass team has alternative means of killing things.


For example, Dodrio can use Life Orb'd Drill Peck / Brave Bird if it has to get offensive, and can also Pursue if the opportunity arrises. Leafeon can easily handle Swampert (a common Phazer) with Leaf Blade, and is also capable of X-Scissor or Return for more general coverage. Typhlosion handles Skarmory rather easily, and if you can manage to get a +2 Spe and +2 SpA passed to him, he can outright Game Over your opponent potentially.


In UU, there's also the occasional Hariyama, who is dealt with by Dodrio, and Ambipom is a great "Special Sweeper" provided it doesn't hit a Ghost type - but those don't phaze anyway, so Ambi could just pass his boosts if that happened.


That's why I love this team so much. It's a Pass team that isn't glaringly flawed by the detail of forced switching.

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Flames team is a great example of a Batton Pass Team. Instead of being one chain that if broken you insta lose, there's multiple combos you can create to set up a sweeper. And even then, Infernape can finish things of without a set up. For example, running smeargle with Swords Dance rather than Belly Drum makes him reusable for the pass and an effective Sleeper.

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