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The Genex Archetype

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[spoiler=Airman FTW.]




fix'd. You can never beat Airman, after all.


Anyway, epic Archtype with a lot of consistency and many nice techy things. They seem to have so many cards because of the sub-types that you could make Decks out of them until the cows come home. Possibly even more than you could make Hero Decks, since so much of the Hero archtype is invalid due to fail.

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I <3 the the entire Genex Archtype


They go from bieng rustic junkbots(<3) to epic Robot Masters.


Its made of sheer awesomeness :3


Instant Fusion is one the this archtypes best cards' date=' lol.



Holy crap I never thought to do that but your right.

IMO, Instant Fusion is only good if you want to build the deck around a specific Genex Synchro monster.

Like Thermal Genex for example.

(Controller + Flame Swordsman)

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Is it me' date=' or are we getting a crap load of epic machine support and archtypes. Im gonna give another thumps up for Konami.



We actually had Ally/R-/Genex for quite a while now.


I mean that are coming over to the finally TCG. Don't we still have to get the Genex archtype over here?

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Is it me' date=' or are we getting a crap load of epic machine support and archtypes. Im gonna give another thumps up for Konami.



We actually had Ally/R-/Genex for quite a while now.


I mean that are coming over to the finally TCG. Don't we still have to get the Genex archtype over here?


Hidden Arsenal 2 suposetly has Duel Terminal 2, 3, and 4 in it.


Which means I can make a Genex deck (<3), but it wont be THAT awesome.


At least not yet :3

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The last I saw of Genex was the AI in WC09, which pretty much did "o hai im goign 2 sumun sumthin tht putz controlr in mai hadn n tehn im goin 2 noawt sinkro sumun"...but now we have two kajillion more Genex monsters...can someone explain to me how they're used?

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