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It's baaaaaaaaad.


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[align=center]Sorry if you thought this thread was sheep related, but that's your fault for taking a sound and relating it to words.


Anyway, it's baaaaaaaaaad.


I know it is, but feel free to say "sucks" or "god what the hell happened to you??!?!?".


You can use it too (if you wanna take that risk).


But I was just messing with the angle perspective thingy in Gimp, and made a stupid BG.


So here's the final of 3 minutes of fiddling... [/PunIntended]



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Oh well thankz for the feedback,


Now I can use your comments to improve the next image ^________^

It's actually quite good. Well' date=' better than 90% of the sh*t on this site.



Lol, that makes me feel special =3

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Oh well thankz for the feedback' date='


Now I can use your comments to improve the next image ^________^[hr']

It's actually quite good. Well' date=' better than 90% of the sh*t on this site.



Lol, that makes me feel special =3


I'm just being honest. Some people hate it, some love it, and some don't care.

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