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MW2 DLC Footage Leaked


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You smoking? They'll obviously cost money.


If they added most of the COD4 maps I'd be a happy man.


Then i will not be getting them lol


The only thing i hated about COD 5 was that they sometimes but you on a map you didnt have and it said "you dont have this map"


I'm like then why dont you fawkin put me on a map i do have them

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It would be nice if they added in like a Survival mode that is similar to Nazi Zombies except it's just you and others killing suicide bombers or CQC juggernauts then that would be interesting. Those DLC maps look alright on the hand but I wish they would bring back more of the MP maps from COD4.

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Crash - Favourite COD4 map. funking awesome, glad to see it's return.


Overgrown - Great COD4 map, should be fun sniping despite no M4A03.


Complex - Looks AMAZING. Can't wait for it. Looks like a better version of Bloc.


Storm - To me it looks like Downpour+Pipeline. Looks amazing too.


Compact - They had to make another snow map? Looks alright, will need to see more.



Should be funking sick.

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