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Unscramble that YCM Member! [Wk ceev oheaiso!!! (We have cookies!!!)]


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So, yea. Just unscramble the YCM Member below.


Members will usually be moderately well-known, so there's no need to go rushing through the Member List looking for some random, unknown, only-posted-once noob.


P.S. Spaces in their name dont count. So they could have a million spaces in their name, but it'll come out all as one scrambled word.




Edit #2: Because of difficulty complaints (sorta...), effective 3/5/10 6:55 PM EST...

  1. The first letter of these riddles are correct
  2. Spaces have been added, in the correct place
  3. Each correct riddle is worth 10 points


  • Unscramble Riddles:
  1. wohSxaBod ShadowBox
  2. rotekvoTm Tomtekorv
  3. ilPlnzigFaaz Falling Pizza
  4. kr4gr5ana19o ragnarok1945
  5. hedSTuhniLsgee SushiTheLegend
  6. oLgonLeuoadv Luna Lovegood
  7. odsDouet Deustodo
  8. Ldenaxi Lexadin
  9. ceIluyb Icyblue
  10. yEOfTnhesbdsA End Of The Abyss
  11. oi`5sdu--yhg Yu-Gi-Oh 5D`S
  12. Karhe nde odenitton ebf Kenta the Forbidden One
  13. weworldeifej werewolfjedi
  14. Kisl iklar Kira Kills
  15. srskyhxam- MarshyK-XS
  16. Hupamdal oeptssyn
  17. Kiasiea nnuki KaiNine Kaisu
  18. -satoweovr wero-vasto
  19. 2rcrue1ebs cerberus21
  20. jutiarecskd Dark Justice
  21. uhaidtdrag
  22. Ttgnianik TitanKing
  23. Hlia fmra pkvu Half Vamp Riku
  24. B3btro Bob3rt
  25. S9rekt121ri Striker9211
  26. Dnregoda eayd
  27. Prknoeitahgimcno
  28. m7ooairza5kioe mariokazooie75
  29. Tae hselhdak sfen
  30. Bigrreaonkcef Bringerofcake
  31. Ep boszas roleeeto El Beasto Perezoso
  32. - tcnama - Catman
  33. Calte yabrir Cyber Altair
  34. Ysuhi iuiot Yuuto Ishii
  35. Lnzreg doee Legend Zero

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I.wohSxaBod - ShadowBox

II.rotekvoTm - Tomtekorv

III.ilPlnzigFaaz - Falling Pizza

IV.kr4gr5ana19o - don't know

V.hedSTuhniLsgee - don't know

VI.oLgonLeuoadv - don't know

VII.odsDouet - Deustodo

VIII.Ldenaxi - Lexadin

IX.ceIluyb - Icyblue

X.yEOfTnhesbdsA - don't know


That's all I know.

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1. wohSxaBod - ShadowBox

2. rotekvoTm - ME!!!! (lol I am popular Wiiii :D)

3. ilPlnzigFaaz - FallingPizza

4. kr4gr5ana19o - Rag! (Ragnarok1945)

5. hedSTuhniLsgee - SushiTheLegend

6. oLgonLeuoadv LunaLovegood

7. odsDouet - Deustodo

8. Ldenaxi - Lexadin

9. ceIluyb - Icyblue


See, I know my members ;)


EDIT: 10. yEOfTnhesbdsA - don't know

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